reviews on plz!!

April 25, 2010 9:35pm CST
i have surfed that website and i have this site really interesting.. but i have never shopped from this... can any one tell me if any one has bought anything from this site? their are a lot of gold members their in the website.. does they really work fine?
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2 responses
@pratheep87 (1227)
• India
26 Apr 10
Hello Alibaba is not a online shopping website like Ebay and etc. Alibaba is B2B website and B2B is business to business website which deal with bulk shopping or whole sale shopping. I think you wont see anything interesting in Alibaba because its not for consumer like us. Cheers
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
27 Apr 10
well it is for consumers like us.. u can a buy a single piece too.. but i m asking that has any one shopped from there?
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Yeah, that site is really interesting. I have never shopped from there too but I am planning to buy something from there, I was just searching for testimonials too because I don't know if I can trust the site.