Have you ever not attended a wedding you were invited to?

United States
April 28, 2010 11:45am CST
I have not attended many weddings in my life.. I haven't been invited to many. As I recall there are 3 weddings that I was invited to that I didn't attend. The first was my foster dad's. I was 7 years old. I couldn't go because my bio mom wouldn't let me... not sure why. The second was my husband's sister. I'd only just begun dating him. He asked me to go as his date, but I declined. He was in the wedding party, and I didn't know anyone in his family, so assumed I'd be solo and feel out of place. The third was one of hubby's cousins. She got married in New York City, which is a 5 hour drive. We just didn't have the time or the money to make the trip. A friend on Facebook yesterday was complaining about a wedding invite she got. She RSVP'd that she, her husband, and her 14 year old disabled son would be attending. She got a note back that children were not invited! This 14 year old is in a wheelchair, he has MD. She and her husband decided that if the son is not welcome, they would not attend.
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18 responses
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Apr 10
That I can think of, the only wedding I was invited to that I missed was for my cousin Bernie (Bernadette) because it was on a Friday and I couldn't get off work.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Apr 10
I probably could have gotten the day off, but Richard couldn't. It was at least a 2 hour drive across LA in traffic, and my back at that time was so bad that I couldn't sit for that length of time comfortably, so I didn't even ask...
• United States
29 Apr 10
Ah, I see.. still a shame you had to miss it.
• United States
28 Apr 10
They wouldn't let you off work for a wedding? But then again, aren't most weddings on weekends?
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Yep, I sure have. The last time I was invited to one and did not go was back in 2008. In a way I wanted to go to it. It was for a family member (on my side of the family), after all. As I hadn't seen any of them in years, I figured it'd be a good time to reunite with them, especially with it being so close to home. However, my husband didn't want to go. Nor could we. At least not all of us anyway, and I for one wanted to go as a family. During that time we were having problems with a car that we had (it needed a new engine) and the only other vehicle we had was a single cab pick up truck. Kind of impossible to take a family of four in that. We had been planning for months to get the car fixed, which I was hoping to do so before the wedding. That way, I'd still have a chance to change my husband's mind. But a couple of weeks prior to the wedding my father-in-law fell ill and passed away, so any money we had put aside for the car was used to send my husband on a much needed trip to see his mother instead. So, that pretty much decided it for us right there. We wound up not going to the wedding. I guess it was just as well. We didn't know the bride or groom anyway.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Yeah, I'd feel uncomfortable too. It's pretty much the same way with my cousins. The majority of them are older than I am (anywhere from 7-18 years difference, I believe). So, I missed out on a lot of weddings. As for the one I was invited to, it was actually for a daughter of one of my cousins. So, it was a bit of a distant relation. 2008 may not have been a good year for my husband and I, but things are looking up. Hopefully it'll only continue to get better. Happy mylotting!
• United States
18 Aug 10
Kind of a sad story. I don't have much of a family, and hubby and his sister are the young ones in their family... their cousins are all around 20 years older than them. So I don't forsee us being invited to many more weddings, which is sad. I also like the socializing aspect of it.. but if it's someone who's guests I wouldn't know well I would feel uncomfortable going.
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• India
29 Apr 10
Let me first say that your friend took a very very correct decision…in any case, I feel the hosts are extremely rude, insensitive and unsympathetic people…I mean if you really know a family close enough to invite them, you’d obviously know that they have a disable son and it’s bound to be a sensitive issue…the best gesture would have been to welcome the family alongwith the son and just behave normal…otherwise they shouldn’t have invited at all or mentioned in the invitation card itself that kids were not welcome! Other than that, yes there have been quite a few occasions where I’ve not attended a marriage inspite of the invitation. Distance was the main reason…as you know, most of us here don’t have cars and public transport is so overcrowded that it travelling by one really takes away all the fun from attending parties. So if its close by, then only we make it a point to go.
• United States
29 Apr 10
My friend did mention that the invitation did not say anything about kids not invited. Had that been on the original invitation she probably wouldn't be so upset.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
29 Apr 10
There isn't a wedding I can think of that I was invited to but didn't attend. I haven't been invited to that many weddings though. Oh wait, now I thought of one. My friend Scott got married a few years ago but I wasn't able to attend his wedding. He lives in florida and it would have cost us way to much to go down there to see his wedding. Plus we had 2 small children at the time. Perhaps the people should have specified no children in their invitation instead of waiting till after wards to say no children. And 14 is hardly a child. I would think they could make an exception. Unless him being disabled is why they aren't letting him come.
• United States
29 Apr 10
Then that would be pretty rude! I agree they should have specified before hand.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
That's kind of a crumby thing to do - I understand the appeal of an 'adults only' wedding but to not make in known before hand is pretty rude. I haven't gone to the majority of the weddings I've been invited to. The secretary at a place my husband worked invited us to her wedding a few years ago and we didn't go. He didn't like her and I didn't know her so that was that, lol. His cousin is getting married next February in the Dominican and we're not going to that one either. My husband has school in April so it isn't the best time for us to take off and I really don't want to waste a holiday going somewhere I don't really want to go and for someone's wedding who I've only met once. Those are the two that immediately spring to mind.
• United States
29 Apr 10
I always wonder why some people feel the need to invite anyone and everyone they've ever met to their wedding. I guess it would make it look fuller if they had a small family or something, but I personally would not feel the need to attend a wedding of a person I didn't like or barely knew at all.
• United States
28 Apr 10
Well we have skipped a few weddings for various reasons. They where too far away, we didn't agree with the marriage, so on. Now as for the people who do not want to attend without their son that is their choice but I believe it is a bit ballsy to expect to be able to bring someone not invited. Honestly I don't care whether they are a child, adult, disabled or purple if not invited they are not invited. These people probably have limits on how many they can afford to invite and if one person can bring their kid everyone will want to and then they get stuck with a wedding too big for them to pay for. Not to mention it is rude to just invite anyone along to a function that was not invited.
• United States
28 Apr 10
I suppose I can understand that, though 14 is hardly a child anymore. Also I can see the point of my friend. She can't leave her son behind. He has a lot of medical issues and needs constant supervision. She has around the clock nurses for him. If she can't bring him along, to keep track of him, then it would be difficult for her to attend.
• United States
28 Apr 10
If she has round the clock nurses for him then he will be fine. In fact she sounds too protective and most likely could use the time away. We have several disabled people both mentally and physically in our family. The parents need a break sometimes and a special occasion like a wedding is a good place to start. I know it is hard because they worry about what is happening at home but everyone needs some space from mom disabled or not. As fir the age I know it is hard for her but let's face it it's not her wedding and it is up to the people who are having it to decide what the cut off point is. To be offended by it is to be over sensitive. I mean they didn't tell her it was because he is disabled or anything like that right. That would be rude.
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
1 May 10
katsmeow1213, This just show how humanity has degraded and the new couple here is just deplorable. They are just outright callous and way insensitive. Your friend is right, deciding against attending this wedding. This new couple should have either made an exception for this wheelchair bound child attend or not invite at all. Shame on them.
• India
29 Apr 10
well,i live with my parents so whenever somebody does invite me for a wedding they invite me indirectly through my parents.my parents do attend all the weddings but i am very reluctant to go.and in many cases i don't even though my parents do force me saying that what will others think.i give them the reason that the ones who are getting married or their families don't have any direct relation with me then why should i go for it.they may not even know me.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
Yes, and there are different reasons why I haven't attended the wedding. Last December 2010, I was invited to my fiend's son's wedding but I did not attend,, the reason was the reception was held in a five star hotel and guests were required to use formal dresses. I have no dress to wear so i did not attend. There are people who do not include children in invitations. One reason could be that they are sometimes unruly but what ever the reason they should be respected. But regarding especial cases, it should be an exemption. It is mean not to invite a 14 year old who is in no condition to be left at home. For me, it must have been an exemption to the rule.
@singuri (571)
• India
29 Apr 10
Many times I didn;t attend the wedding of own relatives. I was busy and I didn't find time to attend the wedding. I really feel bad at those times. Its not in my ahnds. MY busy is so busy that I don't find time even to enjoy my life. I think this will have a bad effect on my weddin day.
@vger08 (3)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
Of the 7 wedding invites I received, I was only able to attend one. All too often, I couldn't get away from the office which is why I wasn't able to attend. Although, now I find that I don't want to miss these events especially if my daighter is invited to be a flower girl. I guess most people don't mind children in these events because they serve a purpose. However, I think we should respect the wishes of the bride and groom if they don't want to invite children. It is their party after all.
• United States
23 Aug 10
I have only gone to a couple of weddings myself. The one I am attending in two weeks should be fun because my husband is going to dj the event. I think the people who are getting married and said that children are not invited should have stated that first thing not after your friend RSVPed. I think your friend did the right thing by saying that if my son is not welcomed then I am not attending.
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
i have been invited to a wedding of my friend,i'm one of the bridesmaids back then.i also am a bridesmaid on my cousin's wedding.that makes two weddings.well,i have not yet invited to other weddings,that makes me unable to attend! as of your story,you have no choice back then but to not attend. for sure whoever invited you may understand,well,if they do know the reason why you did not attend!
@cmjune76 (273)
• United States
1 May 10
I have yet to decline to a wedding invitation; the ones I have had were for my sisters, brothers and mother in law. Of course, I was going to attend those. When I married, EVERYONE was invited. My heart is not a cold stone that would decline a child! Especially one with MD! How heartless; the child will feel rejection over and over again; how irresponsible. How sad.
@Mitraa (3184)
• India
28 Apr 10
Yes, I have also faced similar situations few years back. All these are circumstancial as well as person centric with me! Hope this must be minimised to benefit
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Apr 10
I have.....or haven't I should say. There are a few that I haven't went to...people I didn't really feel close to or because of other reasons like conflict in scheduling.
@airakumar (1553)
• India
29 Apr 10
Yes, I have skipped various wedding where I have been invited as there were some major reasons for its. I never do it intentionally, not to attend wedding, it is a great opportunity to let the bride and grooms feel they are special and I always try not to do so. But there were some major prob. with my company and due to that I didn't attend my niece wedding and she got angry with us. Later we make her understood and clarify the reason. I know she will always be hurt for that, but it was not ours intention. I wish all those whose wedding been missed by us, be happy and prosper today and always.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
For me it is the feeling you got of tiredness but when time would come how very appreciated you are to attend then it will be great both of you.