What is IDE slot and where it is located in CPU?

April 30, 2010 2:27am CST
Yesterday i have attended one interview there HR was asking about this IDE slot, but i even don't know the full form of IDE, then how can i answer that question. First time i heard about this IDE. Friends if you know anything about this then please leave me your answers so that i shouldn't loose next interview. Thank you.
2 responses
1 May 10
What type of job were you applying for? Because if you are applying for anything dealing with computer hardware issues and you are not sure what the IDE interface is, then I would recommend that you take some computer classes (hardware) before you continue with these types of jobs. It is not a slot by the way, so if they were asking you and it was not job related then I would have to ask them why. This interface is used to connect various drives to the PC. And it is not located in the CPU at all it is located within a computer.
@Vick77 (488)
• Mexico
1 May 10
IDE stands for "Integrated device electronics" and this means the device (a hard drive for example) has it's own electronic controller for processing the data, IDE is the name of the port used to connect mass storage devices to the motherboard, also is called ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) or ATAPI, so is the same call a port ATA or IDE or sometimes as EIDE (Enhanced IDE). Now the term ATA was changed by PATA (Parallel ATA) since the appearing of the new SATA port that replaces it. The connector or slot IDE is where you connect a hard drive or a CD/DVD unit, and is used a ribbon cable with 40 or 80 wires. The IDE/ATA interface is controlled in the motherboard by the southbridge. Hope it helps...