Trouble shooting

@kiran9 (255)
May 3, 2010 12:00am CST
Hi my lot friends, How to learn Trouble shooting through internet?
3 responses
• India
3 May 10
Hi, I think you should be a little bit more descriptive while starting your discussion. Trouble shooting is used in so many contexts. What do you want to repair exactly? Is it a computer or a bicycle or a reading desk? Please let me know if you are interested in trouble shooting computers, because only then I may be able to help you. Thanks God bless you
@kiran9 (255)
• India
3 May 10
Hi my lot friend.I would like to know about computer trouble shooting.
• India
3 May 10
Hmm. Then learn about your operating system and hardware. You have to be a good observer and watch almost every activity in your system. Buy a few books and download some from Study them and study good. Open up your cabinet and try identifying all the components that is installed in your motherboard. Learn your operating system well. Try to explore new things. You may even remove a few things and rejoin them to see the change. Try to identify what caused this particular behavior. Its quite simple.
• Indonesia
4 May 10
If you don't have any computer basic, you should find someone who can guide you. There are big difference between theory an practice. If you try all from beginning, you could end with break your computer part. And this will cost you money... Even I lot enough repair any PC in my workplace, still sometimes I break those peripheral just because I open it up. Some of them too old and to risky to take it out from it's place, and will destroy part of it (like pcb circuit)even you just take it out from chase. One thing that you must face, it's risky to troubleshoot on your own, and will cause you money. If you just want software troubleshoot, there's lot of book you can buy (ex:at amazon). And make sure you remember what you do before you change anything, so you can undo what you've done.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
3 May 10
Well, that depends on what you wanna trouble shoot. You could actually just search online. Depending on what trouleshooting you want to learn. Good luck!