
@kiran9 (255)
May 3, 2010 12:21am CST
Hi my lot friends, I am very interesting eat the food. I want to know what is the best food in Vegetarian or Non-veg.
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1 response
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
3 May 10
I'm not a vegetarian but I thing best vegan food would be Soy-something. Like soy-milk and tofu! we also have what we call "taho" here in the Philippines. Soy milk is very yummy and you can mix it with any fruit or veggie to make a very yummy smoothie! Tofu is very easy to work would. steamed, cooked with sauces or fried to crisp! This food is oh so good! Taho is a Filipino Dessert that is made of boiled soy something (it's maid of soy, something liquid, probably soy beans dissolved in water), "Arnibal (brown sugar dissolved in lots of water) and "Sago" (like circles of the seaweed, only bigger and not attached to a stalk). We can eat this either hot or cold
@kiran9 (255)
• India
3 May 10
Thank you my lot friend, What is the best recipes in your country?