what we should do to save our earth?

May 3, 2010 2:16pm CST
Our earth is in danger, the pollutions and distractions by the human interactions is killing the earth. the end is coming nearer. if we didn't do anything, we are going for a crisis.
3 responses
@pumared (514)
• Bulgaria
3 May 10
we can not save our earth any more.
• India
4 May 10
No, nothing is impossible. sure , we can improve the situation .. hope for the best.
• India
15 Jun 10
Ya. These are some activity to save something for our earth... 1.Take two minutes from your busy schedule before hurrying back home to shut down the computer. 2.If you have forgotten to give double-side prints,make sure you make use of the empty sides as scribbling pads or for your kids' imposition
@manubla (472)
• Philippines
4 May 10
I'm still not losing hope. I want my children's children to still enjoy what Mother Earth has to offer because we have taken cared of it. And speaking of which, saving mother earth doesn't need to be handled by formal organization set up just to do that. We can do things on our own which can tremendously help save mother earth. I myself recycles stuff that can be recycled. All those plastics from the grocery, I use some as garbage bags, the rest I bring it all home for sister to use in her store. When buying things in shops, I ask the saleslady to just place my new purchase together with my other purchases just to save on plastic. There are a lot of things that we can do as individuals and if this is taken collectively, then I know it will be a big help :). Let's go save mother earth!