how to get refferals?

May 7, 2010 3:26pm CST
that is my simple question.. do u have any ideas of getting refferals.. i dont have a single in any site
3 responses
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
8 May 10
to take refs is alway difficult also because active people are not easy to find for every program!!i think you can add your link or banner in many site as chat,forum,social community.write some tweets on twitter and so on...i think the the easiest way to gain some refs normally is to call your friends...or you can even join some autosurf or exchange refs site!!Surely take some refs for mylto program is really difficult..
• United States
7 May 10
I get my referrals from my website and blog. I have been doing this for many years so I have built up a loyal referral base.
7 May 10
share your link on forums, chat, advert sites