Villar Condeded First... Acceptance or AGENDA?

@chiyosan (30184)
May 13, 2010 4:05am CST
Do you think there is sincerity with Villar's decision to conceded to Aquino just about a few hours after the voting precints have closed down at 7PM monday? I believe he conceded with a hidden agenda - some tactics that might work so he would be given a chance perhaps by Aquino's government? perhaps try to escape the controversies he was faced to during the campaign period... What about you? do you think he is sincere?
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4 responses
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
13 May 10
I guess that Villar is still making his hidden agenda be fulfilled. I remember an issue saying that if villar would win he would save Arroyo for all the faults she has done in the country so I guess, he wasn't that sincere. We might not know what could possibly happen if he was being accepted by Aquino
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
14 May 10
well yes.. i think there is some black propaganda on this concern...
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
13 May 10
As to his sincerity I could not answer that but he already expressed that he needs to clear his name for now. So I guess he is preparing his lawyers for possible legal cases that were thrown at him during the election. I also see that since he still is an incumbent senator he still can return from senate and since there are NP senators that was able to got in the senate so I guess there is still a chance that he can hide himself in there with his allies in the senate. But of course he had to contend to Enrile and Madrigal who is fierce opponent of them.
• Philippines
13 May 10
hhmmm maybe he just accepted the fact that he lost thats why he conceded coz what would he gained in the first place? he already lost a million votes and maybe he just ended thinking there nothing to do anymore than just accepting his defeat.
@347eat (113)
• Philippines
13 May 10
Maybe he's sincere about his retreat against Noynoy since he lost during the election and I think he made the wise decision considering the fact that his vote counts are very far from Noynoy's vote counts so who knows what will happen next so lets wait for the next episode.