whats the sweetest thing your significant other has done//

United States
May 16, 2010 5:13am CST
what the cutest most memorable thing your significant other has done for you? i want a positive post so post some positive things :) have a good day mylotters! happy posting!!
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
16 May 10
Hi Jamie, Welcome to myLot. Glad to have you here There is one year when we just got married, my hubby was not able to celebrate my birthday due to his work. Out of my surprise, he put an 'Ang pau' (red packet with money inside) and a flight ticket to Penang. There is a note with a birthday card wishing me Happy Birthday and ask me to fly to Penang to see him. When I reached there, he was with a bouquet of flowers at the airport to fetch me, and we spend our weekend there. Cheers and happy myLotting :)