If you could create an education plan for the United States how would you do it?

United States
May 19, 2010 9:27am CST
As far as higher education goes, if i could create one it would have to be a college over a university. I would do this to illuminate a person 's ego from inflating (Harvard or Yale vs the community college type of attitude). I would offer fast-track programs, associate's programs all the way to doctuarines. The majors would only consist of programs you could ACTUALLY land a job in, without ever wondering if you'll be laid off. (Nurse's, doctor's, lawyer's, teachers, are just a few that are always in demand). The programs will be reasonably priced, so that any and all budgets can get an education. As citizens of the United States, one of our rights should be is to obtain higher education without coming out of school, having to pay back money to anyone! If you can only go to school on grants, then that'll be just fine. Why should anyone be denied for going all the way in school, just because they only qualify for pell grants? If someone is homeless, but needs a place to stay, while attending school, then they'll be allowed to live on campus rent free, eat all meals for free in the cafeteria and recieve a monthly allowance for personal needs. Entering college would be hassle-free, too. Yes, everyone should take placement tests, but it should only be used for placement purposes. The test will be legit, also. Has anyone ever figured out why going to a community college can take you four to five years? It's because there's always those bogus, unnecessary classes they make you take and the waiting lists for even getting into your major. As far as the classes goes: Those placements tests are rigged into making you believe that you need (2 plus 2, math classes) and (see Sally run after the ball, reading classes). Oh, and here we go: What's with the waiting list for getting into your major? In my college, there would be no such thing, because from day one, your college career would actually begin.----If i was the president of the United States, i would have put this this plan into action, immediately, after calling off the war in Iraq!
1 response
• United States
19 May 10
Everyone would have to become a major in something in college everyone would be trained to do there dream job and it would be free!