Do you ever sit and wonder why you meet certain people in your lifetime?

@johnson3 (152)
United States
May 20, 2010 11:03am CST
I've been here only 27 years Aug. 14th (God be willing), but I often sit and wonder how my life has changed for the better and the worse at times depending on the people I've met. I have met people that have influenced my life or impacted my life so greatly that words alone cannot describe my gratefulness toward them. It's almost like angels from heaven (supernatural), but wrapped humanly (natural)!!!! It's so amazing when I just sit and wonder. I also think about those that I've met that helped bring me to a place of extreme suffering and pain. I think about how my life would either be or not be what it is if I did or didn't meet them. Even as I type this discussion--my heartbeat is racing with the thought of my mind. I'm just lost for words...please let me know those you consider to have been a detrimental, turning point, road block, angel, empowerment, and all of the words you can fathom in your life...thanks...happy discussing...
2 responses
• Philippines
20 May 10
There are times when i do that. I sometimes reflect on those that show kindness. I like to think if they're really kind-hearted or they're hiding something from me. And it's not surprising that i found most of them are just faking it. This makes me believe firmly that there are only too few people who are kind-hearted.
@johnson3 (152)
• United States
20 May 10
It is sad to say that some people pretend to be something they never really desired to be. They often do it maybe for attention, to get close to someone, or to try to cause confusion, but whatever the reason they are soon found out by those that are truly kind-hearted for all the right reasons. Thanks....
@med889 (5941)
20 May 10
Yes I do, but this is all life's theory that we meet people and then we separate and then we depart from this world. So I wonder why we have to meet those people when we have to separate from them? Maybe because we had to meet him/her to learn something or to say something.
@johnson3 (152)
• United States
20 May 10
I like to think that wisdom can be shared from one life to another. I know that we all have something to say or something to do in the lives of those we meet. It's a matter of knowing it at the right time or knowing it and it's too late. I know that every person has changed or affected my life in some way, but the way I internalize what they say or what they've done will play a part in my destiny and who I become....thanks for sharing...