Beauty or Brains?

@elleb0418 (1107)
May 21, 2010 11:00am CST
Now this is a typical questions that needs deep thinking for guys.What will you choose a pretty yet dumb gal or an ugly yet witty girl? Who would you choose?share your thoughts here. This time lets allow guys to answer and then we girls respond to it.
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13 responses
• India
21 May 10
I will definetely choose brain over beauty.If girl is very beautiful but she is dumb, then she will make you also dumb. But looks also matters, you know why because if she is intelligent then defientely she will take of her beauty.
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@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
21 May 10
A smart yet ugly girl will easily be depressed by her looks and that can cause problems in a relationship. The pretty one can be learned how to get a little sense in her head.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
22 May 10
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not all people who seem "ugly" are insecure. True intelligence is inborn, and it cannot be acquired. Knowledge is different from intelligence.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
22 May 10
You are also correct Renhard. If you are ugly you always had that insecurity feelings,anyway knowledge can be gained if one is willing right?
• United States
22 May 10
brains over beauty all the time..... having a pretty yet dumb girlfriend is like going to a wonderfully decorated restaurant with crappy service and food. if your goal is to be seen goin into the beatiful restaurant then go ahead with the pretty dumb chic, but if you want a nice , satisfying meal...then go for the smart yet unattractive girl.. beauty will only be appreciated at the start of any relationship before the brains become the main commodity.
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
22 May 10
Yes, the beautiful,sexy, flashy gals always get our motors running. All guys go for them. However, after spending time with them, we realize we just have to have a gal with brains. If they aren't close to your IQ, you tend to run out of things to talk about and get bored. Life is about learning and growing as people. If the learning stops, so does the living.
• Philippines
24 May 10
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
24 May 10
Life is so bored when you are with someone who doesn't know anything.I don't like people also who cannot converse much.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
21 May 10
To tell the truth if I had to pick i would pick the pretty one. because knowing me I cant stand to look in a ugly girls face. And i would not fall in love with an ugly girl. Take the pretty girl and enjoy life with her. I would not want her to be my wife though.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
21 May 10
Let i get myself clear the only reason i choose the pretty one is because i am young. But if i was a grown up and ready for a serious relationship i would definitely choose the ugly girl. Do you understand me now?
• United States
21 May 10
May you be blessed with a beautiful girl as shallow as you.
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• Philippines
21 May 10
Is this discussion elleb0418 exclusively for guys only? I think girls sometimes are guilty of this too... some girls looks and focus on the physical appearance too...
• Philippines
23 May 10
Agree especially with boys, they want girlfriends that they can show off to the public... like they can display and be proud of... Well well well... that is the first thing that almost everyone look up and then after knowing the real personality -- that is the moment of truth whether you'll be turn on to the person more or turn off ...
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
22 May 10
Lovelyn, maybe thats human nature that we always wanted to be famous because we have the handsome/pretty gf/bf in town/school campus.We do somtimes go for the outside looks rather than choosing the ugly but brainy one.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
21 May 10
I'm not a guy but I just want to answer. Lol. An ugly girl can always opt for plastic surgery, or can make her face better. It's easy. A 'dumb' girl won't get smart overnight.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
21 May 10
Plastic surgery which would fade away in a night. Pick the pretty one. She can get education and be smart later.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
21 May 10
Not all can get absorb knowledge and use it properly. The point is that ugliness can easily be masked, while stupidity or ignorance can't be hidden.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
22 May 10
Lolz...thats you opinion...We will respect that.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
21 May 10
Sorry, but I am greedy. I want both beauty and brains. I know me and I would just not be happy with only one or the other. There are plenty of women who have both; I know, I have dated some of them. I have also dated some that didn't quite measure up in one or the other category and was dissatisfied and things did not go very far. Certainly I value intelligence a little higher than beauty but some degree of beauty, at least in my eyes since not everyone perceives it the same, is necessary.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
22 May 10
I married the smart one, but I am beginning to think that I should have married for looks instead, which is what I am going to do if I end up single again for some reason...I have realized that I don't need a smart one, because I am smart enough for both of us, so I will go for looks in the future if I end up dating again LOL
• Romania
21 May 10
beauty sure... you need a beautiful girilfriend , if u look harder you cand find a smart and beautiful girlfriend. would a beautiful girl love a ugly guy? Hm... if he has money :))) maybe.... This is my opinion :)
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
22 May 10
Your on the security side,as long as your future is secured, eventhough he is the most ugly guy in this world as he is rich,you will go for the gold.Anyway that's your opinion.:)
@med889 (5941)
21 May 10
If I was a boy I would choose a girl with a brain and yet being a girl I have chosen a man with brain not considering his beauty because he is mature and understanding to maintain a relationship and this counts for me.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
21 May 10
Well to be honest I would choose the pretty one which is dumb only if i don't want a serious relationship. More serious relationship i would choose the ugly one. So i do agree with you.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
22 May 10
As a girl physical outlooks also does not matter to me. I did go for the values and his behavior.
• India
21 May 10
Straightaway, 0 marks for prettiness and 10 on 10 for brain. I mean, I don`t think I can get a girl who is THE most intelligent. But, I will certainly look for a girl who is intelligent enough to distinguish right from wrong in non-trivial matters. After all brain is the rarest and prettiness is the most abundant thing to find, especially among girls... just kidding. Certainly, beauty with brain would be my priority; but I got my own definition of the terms called 'beauty' and 'prettiness'. Believe me, they are different.
• India
24 May 10
Thanks very much.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
21 May 10
Isn't this the same as the topic you have just posted earlier. It so similar anyway I already responded to the first one. So go and take a look and mike you get banned from mylot. Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
24 May 10
Beauty is very easy to acquire nowadays when you have money... while brain/knowledge can't be buy even by millions of dollars. Right?
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
24 May 10
But if one wants to learn we can do that also.Maybe it's in a person also,yous must have the drive to do it so that you will not left behind.