Your experience on holding your bundle of joy.....

@durgabala (1360)
May 23, 2010 11:41am CST
When I held my daughter I was soemwhere in the heavens....I could not believe my eyes. I felt so great. I still can't forget the first time I held my baby. For the second too I felt the same.Friends please voice ur feelings.....
3 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
13 Aug 10
Well thats a great experience and i really felt it heartful! The feel of motherhoodness!!
@durgabala (1360)
• India
17 Aug 10
yes, its a great experience.
• United States
23 May 10
I personally feel that there is nothing greater than the experience of being a mommy! You get to experience the intimacy of carrying your child inside of you and bonding with them that way, and then, as if that weren't enough, you get to experience the even greater bond of nursing. I have often said that no feeling is more amazing than the feeling of nursing your newborn baby... To me, nothing in this life even compares to the joy of holding your child, nursing your child, rocking your child, singing to your child, the list goes on and on. And then when your child gets older you get to interact with them, play with them, teach them and see the wheels turning in their head when you introduce them to new objects, sights and experiences. Motherhood is a journey that none can compare to. In my opinion NOTHING comes close! Anyway, I could go on and on and on, but that's my two cents!
@durgabala (1360)
• India
17 Aug 10
YEah, you are very correct. What a feeling and happiness.
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
23 May 10
Congratulations! I know it is very exciting to have your first baby. I do hope I would have mine someday :)
@durgabala (1360)
• India
17 Aug 10
Sure you will have....and the feeling is just great........