What movie made you cry?

@annierose (21384)
May 23, 2010 8:31pm CST
The movie entitled "Titanic" gave me mixed feelings of love, joy, disappointment, pity, anger and sadness. It made me cry while watching the ship and its people going to their doom. My heart was moved by pity and anger at the same time. I feel pity for those people who struggle for their lives but was not given an opportunity to live and feel angry for those people who showed prejudices by giving a help to the rich and influential characters in the movie but doing the opposite of it to the unfortunate groups. How about you? Did you experience same things with me when watching a movie?
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39 responses
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
24 May 10
Hi there Annie Rose! Well, there are lots of movies that made me cry and Titanic is also one of them. I think the movie that made me cry the most was A Walk to Remember which starred Mandy Moore. It was a real-tearjerker. There were also others like The Bridges of the Madison County, Magnifico (a Filipino Movie), Stepmom and more.
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
24 May 10
They were indeed good movies. I remember the movie entitled "The Notebook" which I think is similar to "A Walk to Remember". It was a good romantic movie also.
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• Philippines
24 May 10
Nanayangel, we have the same taste. I was just about to answer this discussion when my eye caught your response. You just can't get tired of Titanic. I've watched it so many times but the feeling is still the same. I can't remember if a walk to remember made me cry but it's a great movie, despite the fact that the story is very common. As for the bridges in madison county, I've never heard about this. Magnifico was a very wonderful movie. Jiro Manio was exceptional. It made me cry too. And Stepmom, one of my favorites, made me cry. I love this movie, in fact, I've been looking for a copy but I can't seem to find one. Maybe I'll just download it in stagevu. The Notebook was amazing. The story is unique and heart-warming. I heard that the The Notebook novel is better than the movie, I have to buy one. Lol. Annierose, The Notebook and A walk to remember is not similar. THe notebook was about the love story of an old couple whereas a walk to remember is about 2 different people who fell in love with each other despite their differences and then the girl was sick and she was dying.
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
24 May 10
I see. I thought they are just the same. My sister just told me the movie "A Walk to Remember" and she told me it has sad ending as well. I can see from your responses that you love watching movies a lot.
• United States
24 May 10
Titanic was one, but also 'The Notebook' and '8 Below' were mine. Blast from the past would be 'Love Story', of course.
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@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
24 May 10
The Notebook is an inspiring movie. It makes me feel that destiny plays a great role in our life.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
24 May 10
Perhaps I am a very emotional person, I also feel touched to the movies and actually many movies have made me cry. Such as Brave Heart, City of Angels etc. Sometimes even the cartoons make me drop tears. I love China
@TazRes (827)
• United States
24 May 10
Hello annierose, There are a few movies that made me cry; but the one movie that really made me cry was the Passion of the Christ. And now today, I can't bare to watch it. What Jesus went through for us is just unbearable to watch.
• United States
24 May 10
Hi annierose, Gone With The Wind and Titanic at the end. It was in the middle of GWTW and at the end and no matter how many times I watch these movies I cry. I think it's because they touch the soul. There are a few more but at the moment I drawing a blank. I love too watch moves that do that too me, because then the movie stays with me. Take care Snow
• United States
24 May 10
Titanic It's one of the all time greatest movie ever made. I enjoyed our chat. Take care Snow
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
24 May 10
I'm a softy. A lot of movies made me cry. Here are some I can remember - I am David, The Notebook, The Last Samurai (huh? I know, I know. But the scene where they were shooting a lot of samurais, and the general bowed his head because he didn't want to be the one ordering the killing of the people - that got to me), Lion King (When Simba's dad was dying, hey, I was only 15 then!), I forgot all the others...
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
24 May 10
the only movie that made me really cry was AI. that scene where monica was leaving david in the woods and david was running to her, begging her not to. it always break my heart and make me sad when i watch that movie. i love it though so i always watch it whenever it's on.
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
24 May 10
I love watching good movies over and over again especially if it leaves moral lessons.
• Philippines
25 May 10
The last movie that made me really cry was UP. I was actually laughing at myself for crying over a cartoon film. BUT, it was really emotional, even if there were no scripts, and just music, and animated characters at that, it really made me cry, and feel the emotion of the characters. It was really one of the best movies ever made. I just love it.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
My heart ached when Anastasia finally met her grandmama in the Walt Disney movie. I also shed a tear when Frodo had to say goodbye to his friends at the end of the trilogy Lord of the Rings. There are many movies that really touched my being like Man in the Iron Mask or Magic Sword. Titanic is one of the movies that illustrated how far love can go. I love it.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Yes, I felt all those things in the movie too- I was so young when I first watched it but it still made me cry. Maybe it was because of the actors who were so good at portraying their roles- that for many years I thought the story was true.
@eric_lin (19)
5 Jun 10
sometimes i was moved to tears by the animation of friendship and love
@Jaluke (676)
• United States
24 May 10
The only movies that have made me cry are Brokeback Mountain and The Notebook. Both of those movies just get downright depressing at the very end and I know a lot of people that cried during those movies. They're amazing movies though and the fact that they're able to evoke such human emotion only supports that.
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
24 May 10
That is true. You just can say a movie is good if it catches your attention and emotion as well.
@buli23 (550)
• India
28 Dec 10
When I watching the movie I had same experience like you that the valuable persons getting all opportunity to save their life and the below standard people not getting chance to save their life. This is the actual facts which happen in our all society some powerful persons always try to dominant the weaker people of our society. So it was not exceptional case which we had seen the Titanic movie.
@madmax11 (83)
• Mexico
27 Nov 11
I can think of a few: Ghost, with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze; Selena, acting JLo; The sound of music; .. there is one with Ethan Hawke where he met a french girl... but I don't remember the name
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
25 May 10
Longtime companion, a movie about AIDS and the deaths within a circle of friends, made me bawl horribly. I can't even bare to watch it anymore. I get to literally minute two and the tears just start falling. It's a really good movie, maybe after the AIDS crisis is over I'll be able to watch it again.
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
25 May 10
Marley & Me was so sad I had to shut it off because I was sobbing so hard that I couldn't breathe. I also cried watching Titanic when she jumps back on the boat after she and Leo got seperated. I got upset watching New Moon when Edward told Bella that he was moving with his family and it would be like he never existed to her anymore. That story is pretty much the new Romeo and Juliet to me. Take care
@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
24 May 10
The movie that made me cry the most was "Nights in Rodanthe" starring Diane Lane and Richard Gere. It was filmed here in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. The story line is so emotional and realistic. The ending breaks your heart and it made me cry. Another movie starring another fine leading man that made me cry is "Dragonfly" Kevin Costner is the leading man. The movie is considered a drama, romance and thriller. I cried at the end of this movie as well. The ending is not really sad it would be considered a miracle. I guess it was a happy cry for me.
@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
24 May 10
The movie that made me cry the most was "Nights in Rodanthe" starring Diane Lane and Richard Gere. It was filmed here in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. The story line is so emotional and realistic. The ending breaks your heart and it made me cry. Another movie starring another fine leading man that made me cry is "Dragonfly" Kevin Costner is the leading man. The movie is considered a drama, romance and thriller. I cried at the end of this movie as well. The ending is not really sad it would be considered a miracle. I guess it was a happy cry for me.
• Philippines
25 May 10
How 'bout "The Pianist".This will make you cry . But at the end a German official helped him because he's an artist. Its a very nice story nominated 7 academy awards.
• United States
24 May 10
One of the many movies that made me cry was Titanic, It was one of my favorites too. And The Last Song made me cry to because it was so sad at the end and it also made me mad.