Have you ever drank expired milk before?

United States
May 28, 2010 9:21pm CST
I have never drank expired milk and never will. I find it rather gross. I mean it can get sour and smell gross and get clumps in it. It's enough just looking at to make you want to throw up .milk isnot good for you after expiration date I just don't understand why anyone would want even risk drinking it or making something with it. Some people will do stupid things and try stupid thing so I guess nothing would surprise me with anything now these days. All I can say is yuck I would not touch expired milk with a ten foot pole.
2 responses
• United States
29 May 10
I will not drink expired milk either, as a matter of fact a have a problem with experation dates. If something/anything in my kitchen is about to/ or already has gone out of date I will not use it. I dont care if it's something as simple as cereal or if its as complex as the milk that goes in the cereal, I just cant do it. My theory is that the manufactuers put those dates on their products for a reason!
@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
29 May 10
Me too, I have never drank and I will never try too. I have never even smell the expired milk, but I have just heard that it's really smelly! I ate expired bread before, but at least it still looked okay, and tasted okay. But I think expired milk is really not good for health.