Are you confident in yourself and body? And what makes you confident or not!?

May 30, 2010 6:25am CST
I have always been very confident, despite been overweight, I have never looked in the mirror and thought eurgh yuk Im disgusting, I have always looked and thought, "oh I look nice today"!!! I think my confidence was boosted by never been bullied for been overweight, I have huge boobs- and instead of them been "laughed at" in school, everyone loved them, and so I embraced them! Showing them off in low tops! I think it is good that I know how to dress for my size, yesterday I saw a large woman, she was probably actually only my size, but she was wearing hot pants and a tiny top which flashed way too much flesh. She looked disgusting, and made me feel sick, even though she was my size, she looked much bigger! Whereas I wear clothes which cover the bad bits and embrace my hourglass figure with tops which are tight at the waist but flow down over my hips and tum! I am now 24 weeks pregnant and massive!! I have a huge bump which I love to show off!!!!! And I think that has boosted my confidence even more!!! My hubby is amazing at boosting my confidence, even when Im feeling disgutsing, tired hair a mess just woken up, no make up on, he still says "you look beautiful baby", which boosts me up a lot! So how is your own confidence and what made it like that???
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3 responses
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
30 May 10
some of my friends said that I have good body. I'm quite tall for a woman in my surrounding. I'm also not too fat. But it was three years ago before I had a baby. because after delivering a baby, my body turned to be fat and not well-shaped. I still have good arms and thighs but I have 'wide' bottom and fat stomach. I can't wear jeans anymore cos it fits for my legs but not for my bottom and stomach. sometimes it makes not too confident, but then I choose kind of clothes which are suitable with my shape. It increases my confident.
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@oldchem1 (8132)
30 May 10
I am not at all confident in my body. I suffer with psoriorsis which is getting worse and I am very self conscious of it
30 May 10
You can get special make up, its on the NHS in some circumstances- if it is affecting your life, or if it is in a noticable place. It is camoflage make up, and lasts 48 hours, is water proof etc. And its used to cover up bad scars, birthmarks etc. A man was on Embarassing Bodies with something like psoriorsis scars on his back, and it was affecting him badly so they gave him this make up, and after he put on a small layer, it had disappeared! Might be something worth asking your doctor about if they cant do anythign else for it, or until they can do anything else for it! If its affecting your confidence and means you can't wear a swimming suit or anything like that, then it might be worth askign??? x
• Philippines
31 May 10
I am already very confident with my looks... but I am not really confident with my body, physically, because, I got a Motor accident a year and a half ago, making me lees confident with my physical capabilities...