ABORTION - Should it be allowed - what do you think

United States
November 16, 2006 2:13pm CST
Some states has dont allow it, and some states do allow it, what do you think.
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7 responses
• United States
16 Nov 06
I don't believe that abortion should be allowed as a form or birth control. However, if there is a serious defect with the baby, if the mothers life is at risk, if the baby was conceived by an act of rape or incest - these are reason why abortion should be allowed. Do I want the government telling me this? No. Should there be a limit on the number of abortions a woman can have? Probably - going back to that not used as birth control statement. Should there be a term limit? How far along is the pregnancy? Yes, I believe so. Ultimately I believe in a womans right to choose.
• United States
16 Nov 06
Thank you for your response. I agree with you full heartly.
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16 Nov 06
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• United States
16 Nov 06
abortion - abortion
how is it better than leaving them in an orphanage? at least there they have a better chance of getting a good life! instead of going through pain and dieing for something that they did not ask to be here for!
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@kcbabez14 (967)
• United States
16 Nov 06
no it should not be allowed.. look at the picture this is what they do! is it not cruel?
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
28 Aug 07
That is a picture of a partial birth abortion, a procedure that has now been banned in the US. Even when it was legal, one really should keep in mind that it was not the common route or time to end a pregnancy. It was a very rare procedure done primarily when the fetus had severe handicaps that made it incompatible with life. Not down syndrome, or a cleft palate or things that most parents could learn to adapt to; but brains that hadn't formed past the brain stem or spines that had failed to close properly, or various missing organs. If you were faced with such a choice, and it was explained to you that after the child was born the hospital was obligated to do everything to prolong the child's life even if it was painful, terminal & only a temporary solution but terminating would be a quick & as respectful as possible end of your child's suffering, perhaps you'd consider it too. And if you've never been in such a situation, you have no right to pass judgments on families who have.
• Australia
17 Nov 06
Once it has a heartbeat...... I call it murder..
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• United States
28 Aug 07
Why does an audible heartbeak automatically bestow personhood? When a fetal heartbeat first becomes audible, there isn't even full circulation occuring. It has only the bare buds of what would become organs in about a month, which includes the brain. With no brain, it has no brain waves nor the physiological capability for thought or awareness. And, here's the kicker, it has no spine. No spine means no nervous system. No nervous system means no nerves. No nerves means no pain receptors. It cannot feel anything. Please explain how this equals a person?
• United States
17 Nov 06
I am definitely against abortion. It is cruel punishment for a child who has not had the chance to live a life. I have seen the pictures and I have seen documentaries. It is horrific. For those who think it is alright take a look at some of the pictures and documentaries. If it does not change your mind I have to wonder where your heart lies.
@angel1961 (759)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Yes, for certain circumstances we all know of, but not for birth control option.
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@Cabrea (14)
• United States
16 Nov 06
I am totally against abortion unless it is the life of the mother, and even then I wonder. With the morning after pill why should abortion even be used?
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