If you have two choices and if you find it difficult to decide

June 3, 2010 10:08am CST
Just toss a coin. It is not to settle the question (need not decide on toss)While the coin is in the air you will know what your heart is hoping for. Well you can decide easily after... If two persons are in love with you don't toss a coin, but do a research who will be the best match for you, hehehehe..
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15 responses
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
3 Jun 10
But can we trust our heart? I don't think so. Choices or decisions must me made based on sound research as to what would be best for us in the long run. As you state, research is the best way to make a choice.
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• India
3 Jun 10
yes, that is the only way. But sometimes we fail miserably even we do big research, lol. can we call it as fate?
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
4 Jun 10
There are no guarantees that any decisions we make will work out right. If we plant a tomato seed we should get some tomatoes. But some unforeseen factor could interfere. The weather might be harsh and destroy the plant. We do not have control over things.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Jun 10
vijayanths doesnt love come into who is the best for you? I mean you make chosing a mate sound like looking into a catalog for the most valuable traits for your money, I mean can you search for love like searching for the best item, the best quality and etc for your money? I thought love was the key as if the person was super perfect but he just did not make you feel any joy or like or God forbid love how could you select that person. you have to live with the person you marry and if mr perfect does not ring any bells or set off any fireworks in your heart how are you going to be happy with that for the rest of your life?
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• India
3 Jun 10
Hatley, I said not to toss when making a decision on love. You are right we can't decide like we choose a menu in a hotel. It is much more than that. It is more of how you feel about the other person.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
Hello dear bhai, Nice question and very timely. I am facing this situation now(hahaha) In my opinion,i would choose the one who can show me love that i am looking for. No two individual can be of same intention and intensity of love to give. With my experience,i would choose someone who loved me more even if i don't love him,and can accept that truth. And if both have almost same quality that i am searching for...maybe,tossing a coin is the best option
• India
3 Jun 10
hahaha, nice to note you have 2 persons loving you and you have to choose between them. (hmmmm I don't even have one, so can't toss sister,) Yes, it is better to choose the one who loves you than the one you love..If both are equal, no problem we have a coin.. hahahaha.
• India
3 Jun 10
Nooooooooo, dear jai, don't toss coin to make important decisions. You need to sit calmly and think, analyze and come to the right conclusion. Good luck. You get two persons, I can't even get one person, hahahaha.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
actually,i'm really having confusion which is which dear bhai... shall i toss a coin? really ?
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
3 Jun 10
Hi vijayanths I do not need any coin to decide my best match but some time to analyse. That is all. Because, i will always opt for the person who really loves me whole heartedly accepting me as I am, without any inner motives like my wealth or some other profit from my side. He should be able to look after me well and should have concern for me.When I am in trouble, he should hold my hands and when low, cheer me up. He can only be my best match ( but i do not know whether i am his best match or not lol Best of luck to him)
• India
3 Jun 10
You are too selfish vathsala, you have to think of him also. He is sacrificing his life when he chooses you (hehehe)But you are married and living a happy life, so better quit this discussion. That will be right. Can I toss the coin vathsala?
• India
4 Jun 10
sure. Why not? It will be useful for my next birth match selection atleast. But you can toss the coin now also for my son as he entered that age and needs your coin badly lol. But why you are carrying the coin with you always. tossing for yourself? All the best for you
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
Sometimes, though you make a research, you find out that your heart stills say a different thing. The best decision I made is similar to tossing a coin. But before you toss a coin, you better pray to get the right answer. I rely more on my faith that God would show me the right choice.
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• India
3 Jun 10
hi, snowhybiscuis sometimes when it is difficult to decide between two we can ask God to choose, to show the right path.
@rastogisw (445)
• India
3 Jun 10
hmmm Good ... but if second option comes lil later and you have already chosen 1st option then what to do...coz the second was from heart....
• India
3 Jun 10
Hi, rastogisw, Go for the second option then, latest is the best you know.
• India
3 Jun 10
But that is not possible because already got married to 1st option.So cant do anything now as second option is also married.
• India
3 Jun 10
hahaha you are too greedy, be content with what you have (that is what I do)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
Choose the greater good or the lesser evil.
• India
3 Jun 10
hi, blindmoongoddess, you have given a very simple solution. Good response, thanks
@ganeshsh (108)
• India
12 Jun 10
hi, vijayanths, this is very clever discussion post. Thought provoking and quite interesting, thanks.
@srganesh (6340)
• India
4 Jun 10
that is a nice idea.Tossing the coin in the air and watching our thought,we can understand what we desire the most.And we can weigh the pros and cons later without any dilemma and take a stubborn decision.About two girls,i won't toss but think of a way to have them both....LOL!
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
That's right. Hehehehehehe...
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
That's right. Hehehehehehe...
• India
3 Jun 10
hi,frontvisions101 nice to see you enjoyed this discussion. thanks.
@crackx (628)
• Belgium
6 Jun 10
I think you'll only toss a coin if it are things for fun, not something as in a relationship, as in will we break up or keep it together... As you probably know :D I never toss a coin, I just wait and hope something gets into my head, if not, I wait longer^^
@mokkka (881)
• Bulgaria
4 Jun 10
Are you ready to believe this coin and don't ever regret that you have or have not done something in your life just because the coin have said so?I cannot do it .I know it is harder not to know what to do but probably the time will show me the right way and it will be either easier for me to make my choice or the other person will go somewhere and won't have the dilemma any more.
• India
6 Jun 10
Hi, mokkka I don't ask you to toss the coin and decide according to it. You can understand what's your heart wants when you toss. Then you can decide after that. thanks for the response ..
• United States
4 Jun 10
if i have a real decision to make,i just pray about it. the Lord will show me the right way.
• India
6 Jun 10
Oh that is another way.. good. Sometimes people leave the decisions to God.
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
That's right. Hehehehehehe...