nice to be back at mylot

@laila675 (528)
United Arab Emirates
June 4, 2010 2:47pm CST
it's been a years since i last been here. been busy with my daughter and my new job i don't have an internet access (sigh) boring right? anyway, i hope this time i can continously be on mylot sharing points of view or feelings or just simply enjoying being on mylot. hello to everyone !!!
1 person likes this
4 responses
@kooltiger (848)
• Pakistan
4 Jun 10
its always to be back in my lot because when we see such a big reward in my lot.. then we come back.. when ever it looses my interest.. something happens with my lot that it draws my attention back.. like recently i received a payment from an article. so i was really surprised.. and it was 3.5 dollars on my 1st attempt.. so i m back here..
@laila675 (528)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Jun 10
wow congrats and all the luck !!! but don't forget to enjoy also here at mylot with or without earnings =)
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
4 Jun 10
yes some times it do attracts me without earnings.. when i find people like you.. but other wise i get bored..
@oldchem1 (8132)
4 Jun 10
I am very new to Mylot, I have only been here a month, but I am really enjoying it. Welcome back and I look forward to joining in discussions with you
@laila675 (528)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Jun 10
thanks and you're welcome ...
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Jun 10
Welcome back!
@rosie230 (1703)
4 Jun 10
Hi... I am pretty new here, I joined up a couple of months back now, and I have got right into this site, it has actually turned into my new hobby, I think i'm addicted lol... but your right it is nice to be able to share views and feelings, and it's so nice to make some friends, I have said this a lot here recently, but My Lot is far better than facebook. But welcome back, I'm sure that you will get back into the swing of things, it is great fun!
@laila675 (528)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Jun 10
thanks for the warm welcome. yes i do agree with you. it is much better with facebook or friendster, they are only a way of finding old friends for me. but mylot is surely addicting. to share with you, when i started here at mylot believe me or not on my way to my work i'm thinking of what to post LOL!!! but unfortunately this time i have changed my job i can't wait to be back home just to open MYLOT.... thanks again and happy lotting