Will you try this?

United States
November 16, 2006 3:10pm CST
This program is a easy money maker like mylot. All you have to do is sign up for free. Refer someone to your referral site and if they sign up(which is for free), it's a dollar in your pocket. If you refer 100 people... that's 100 dollars in your pockets. If the people you refer, refer 5 people, that's 5001 in your pockets. Try it out... you don't have to dish any money out. If you don't like it cancel. You much have a paypal account. That's free also. http://www.TheDeathofInternetMarketing.com/?see-why=33286 Do you like this easy money maker?
2 responses
• Singapore
16 Nov 06
Site not working
• United States
16 Nov 06
i will take the http:// and see if that will work for you... you will probably have to copy and paste... TheDeathofInternetMarketing.com/?see-why=33286
@mrsdave (95)
• Australia
17 Nov 06
I went and signed up .. :)