Paid by just participating the discussions or posting?

June 7, 2010 12:44am CST
I recently joined PTC as i was interested in earning extra income. Though, I'm not really sure if this is really true, i joined anyway. Now, as I was surfing the net, I happened to browsed on a site that advertises this "myLot" which of course caught my attention as well as my curiosity. Are all of these really true? That's exactly what I was asking myself. But well, as along as this won't cost me anything, not even a centavo, this sounds good. Earning, even just a little, while enjoying surfing or commenting in the discussions as well as posting a discussion myself. This could be better than blogging and earning from ads posted on your blog. Well, if this is really true, everyone will definitely love to post just anything here that would surely interest others.
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