Fun! Fun! Ending the summer with a Blast 'summer 2010

By dee
@yresh12 (3212)
June 8, 2010 4:03am CST
I went to Bohol last May 29 with my family. I had so much fun because it is the first time after so many years that I get to go out of town with my family. It was really the most unforgettable time of my life. My mom was not the type who goes out and ride fastcrafts but she just had to bear with it even if she is not into travelling she gets sea sick. It was my Grandmother's 75th birthday. I get to meet my cousins again who were our neighbors in every block. How bout you? Did you had fun this summer? How did it go?
8 responses
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
10 Jun 10
end of summer, but its just started - here but I don't get to go anywhere, I have to work work work no vacations, not holidays, no nothing! but, I'm here if my mom needs me
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
10 Jun 10
sadly, my mom is in no condition to travel - heck, my client doesn't get out much either of course, in this heat - who wants to do anything anyway!
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
Hi Elix... I know what you mean. I stayed at home before I went on vacation. it's really hot. I'm sorry to hear that about your mom. A visit in the park would do...
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@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
Hi Elix! Yours is just starting my ended. I hope you get to enjoy a bit. I was also working and busy the whole year and that was the only time that I could relax. Hope you could to and you can also bring your mom with you.
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@ann101 (518)
• China
9 Jun 10
I have raised silkworm in this spring and they now turned into butterflies and were giving birth.It's exciting to see them grow bigger and bigger and then to spin cocoons.My baby has learned a lot of words on the silkworm too and screamed each time when a new butterfly came out from the cocoons.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
Hi ann!! That's very interesting. I haven't tried raising silk worms. that would be pretty exciting waiting for those things become more beautiful. Hope I could see one in the future!! :)
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
that would be great.. Thanks!!
@ann101 (518)
• China
11 Jun 10
I have not post photoes on mylot,if I have free time this weekend I can upload some here.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Jun 10
Summer hasn't started yet here. Last summer was pretty boring...
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Hi DAWnW Was it? hmmmmm I hope you enjoy the summer this year. Go out with your kids once in a while! wish you luck!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
9 Jun 10
We've not gone on vacation yet but are saving to go on vacation in a few months. It will be my second time going to the beach, if you can believe that. I am excited, and am trying to earn as much money online so we don't have to worry about using too much of hubby's paycheck. I've got a few months to save though, but still need to get my eye on the ball. Can you tell I'm excited? This will be the first time to this beach, and it's a big beach too.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
Hi SCG!! Wow 2nd time? I'm very in love with the beach. I hope you have fun with HCB. It's time you wear you favorite swim wear. Hope you could save much. Wish you the best!
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
hello yresh! having a great time with family is really wonderful experience. i haven't gone to bohol,my friend,but it looks pretty good to be there at the chocolate hills,it is there,right? what have you ridden when you got there? having cousins who've been long time you haven't been together is also good. i haven't been much travelling with my family.well if there is, family outings with co teachers of my parents most always happens in beaches or swimming pools. located in such provinces like cavite,batangas.i can't remember anymore the place that we've been.but i really loved the baguio experience. i've been there 2 times i guess and really cold that time. i've also been to tagaytay but with friends it feels nice to go out of town,right? last summer may 20, i've been with my family and we went to swimming where no other relatives's nice to have family bondings sometimes alone without others. we get to enjoy most of ourselves although it is not out of town. it's just near our village,one of the resorts here have 2 pools and a farm,a church, and the most exciting part,the hanging bridge. have you tried walking in a hanging bridge? i really loved it,i'm the first one who walked together with my siblings. i even got scared at first but when i know i am near the other side i can jump and sway myself,makes my sisters scared cause they are just in the middle of the bridge. we have gone to the highest part of the place where you could feel the wind blowing and clouds all over you. sadly i haven't got a picture of myself for that very moment. it really feels refreshing though the sun is really hot,we've just came out of the pool back then when we go explore the's really nice to feel free like a bird.when i was in the highest part of the mountain, i spread my arms wide and feel the warmth of the sun as i find myself hugging the wind as if it's there with the clouds beyond,really wonderful experience i didn't wanna go somewhere else. i hope we could meet and i'll show you the view i was talking about,i'll tell you it's really wonderful experience!
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Hi Anna!! The one thing that I only did in Bohol aside from my grandma's birthday is swimming swimming and more swimming. Just love it now I'm black as black. hahaha.. It's okay I had a nice time myself. Seems like you had a lot of fun this summer too. I think that It is a very nice experience. I heard Bagiuo is not the same like it used to. It's getting warmer there. I've been dreaming of going there and I think that i'ts really sad that there are a lot of changes going on,. I wish you could visit bohol soon.
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
that's great you are able to enjoy your summer unlike me I spent my summer studying..hayy..and my parents are so busy we can't even go swimming..
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
Sad to here that cute!!! Maybe next summer you would be able to enjoy it more. You can actually do that with friends. Go out some time. Don't kill yourself. LOL
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
8 Jun 10
I am really glad that you had a wonderful time at Bohol Island in the Philippines. It was lovely you gave your grandmother a superb time on her 75th birthday. This summer I am having a happy time thinking about my soon to begin trip to Canada. I have booked a flight from London to Vancouver. I am really looking forward to visiting British Columbia. I have always wanted to go to Bohol Island to see the Chocolate Hills. One day I hope I will be able to do so.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Hi Maxima!! That's really nice to hear! I hope you would be able to travel to Bohol soon. You would surely be happy to see lots of interesting things. OOooh. I've never been out of the country before but LOndon is one of my favorite spots to go to..
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
That was terrific yresh, not all of us get to experience those kind of summer endings... Just like me, i didn't have the chance to have one this summer. Not that much of summer endings for me, i just had to stick with my aunt's house eating doing definitely nothing at all. I do hope to experience something good these following days, perhaps going on a mountain climbing, camping or perhaps going underwater diving. If you want, you may ask me for a contact for scuba diving at cebu city. Mind you it will only cost 1,000 pesos per head if you go for a number of 15persons. Just leave a post if you want to experience such nice package deals...
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Hi shadow!! That is really tempting thanks for the information. I think I'd love to scuba2x I just don't know how. I hope you would have fun and fun next summer!! Take care!~