what's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

June 9, 2010 11:03pm CST
Mine was from ten years ago. I ws running away from Darren Hayes of Savage Garden. He chased me across the Pacific and I ended up in the Hudson River. I'd turned into a duck for some reason and I thought he wouldn't recognize me anymore but he still knew which duck I was. I don't know why I was running away from him, in the first place, I had a major crush on him.
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3 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
16 Jun 10
Hi, myswirlyagelessmind. That is something! I know in real life you would have been chasing him! I have had many weird dreams that were scary. I would always run to my grandmother's next door neighbor's house, every time, that a demon was chasing me. And every time that I would run there, no one would never be home, no matter how many times that I have knocked. But now in real life, if I go and knock on their door right now, someone would be at home to answer the door. This happened a lot when I was running away from a vampire or werewolf.
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
My dreams are usually weird. As a kid, I had a recurring dream about doppelgangers. I would be talking to my mom (she's usually the one being copied in my dream) and then for some reason or other it would suddenly dawn on me that this wasn't really my mom and it's a fright fest after that, lol
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
Thats really weird kind of dreams you had. But for me my weird dream is that I am with my beau and we are in the situation talking to a little girl and I comfort the little girl. My beau dream that he is talking to his daughter and I am trying to convince my daughter not to disobey her father. It sounded to me that my dream is the continuation of my beau's dream. We always have that scenario where our dreams continues or we have the same dream.