Are you a grateful or a complaining Christian?

@eileenleyva (27562)
June 13, 2010 5:37am CST
The gospel today tells the story of the sinner who anointed Jesus' feet with ointment. And Simon, seeing the woman kiss Jesus' feet, reminded Jesus that she was a sinner. But Jesus shushed Simon. In today's homily, the priest explained that in the Bible, the words love, mercy, compassion, and forgiving are synonymous. That is because the God of love is merciful, full of compassion, and thus forgiving. When we sin but are repentant, He totally forgives. And we know that because He gave us His only Son. In the same way, we must also be forgiving. That is the only way we can say we love. Grateful people are those who recognize these truths and say thank you to God for His mercy. Complaining people are those who find the faults and fails to see God's great compassion. Personally, I think I am a Simon. I pray I could work my way to being the grateful one.
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11 responses
@hexeduser22 (7257)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
You are right about the gospel for today. Our parish priest asked us if there are still people in our hearts who are left unforgiven and if there is or there are then this is the right time for us to forgve them like what Jesus did to that woman. We should see to it that hatred wont breed in our hearts. Have a blessed day
2 people like this
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
hatred wont breed in our hearts well it did to me in one time and it hurts, it's like having an endless heart attack or simply just a torn in the heart. which i stopped since i started studying a catholic school. have a blessed day too.
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@richshie (52)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I'm a grateful christian because Christ is in my heart... He never leave me know forsake me... He is my Savior, my healer and my supplier... He is everything in me... Trials may come God is greater than those trials... He never Left me behind...
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@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
am i bit of both, like any human, when trials are so hard to carry, i complain..but i never forget to thank God, for every blessing I am receiving,. It is so easy to be thankful/grateful if countless blessing are pouring in..
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• United States
13 Jun 10
I am grateful every day for everything i have, family, friends, my home, etc.
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@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I no longer complain since i read about having strong faith and positive thinking.
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
13 Jun 10
I do my best to be a grateful Christian. it can be difficult at times. I don't waan't to be the complainer. There always seem to be something we can complain about but is not necessary in our lives. Learning to forgive and show tenderness to others can be a trying experience. Compassion comes with grear strength and patience. I can all use some guidance here.
@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Hi eileenleyva What a fascinating discussion. I believe I am a grateful Christian, however, I am starting a study called "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere. It talks of taking offense at someone else's behavior. I have only just started the study, yet have learned so much. I am looking forward to completing the study. I believe that I will truly be a grateful Christian then. The emphasis for changing is on me through the Bible and Jesus. I will share more as the study continues. Oh, that can be a discussion. Wahoo. Prosperous mylotting
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Hello there, I can be both Grateful or Complainer at the same time. but for the past few month i've practice of the being a lot more grateful than just being a complainer. this goes down to the level of contentment. I may not be the most handsome guy, jobless, no GF, and obviously not rich but at least am healthy, i don't have problems rich people has. i have a single happy freedom life unlike those people who fights all the time going crazy. No one needs to pray to be Grateful, grateful that you still have something that others don't. still those others who don't have it are STILL grateful, so with that there's no reason for me or us not to be grateful to the Lord.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
15 Jun 10
Hei Eileenleyva..... I am not a perfect person. I try to do my best to always feel grateful and counting good thing in my life. But its sometimes I can not stop myself not to complain because I can not hold it anymore. At most I try my best to treat others with respect and I hope they will treat me the same. I try and pray to be a better person every day.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
i am grateful for all the things i have received, will be receiving and be grateful forever for the life, for the love and all that HE gave and is giving to me and my family. GOD bless us all! always count your blessing!
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I am grateful but I never believe in the concept of religion as it is one of the major reason why people are divided.