Alright, all of a sudden, it becomes itchy down there...what do you do?

@breisa (165)
New Zealand
June 14, 2010 2:18am CST
Alright, so you're in a public place and all of a sudden, it becomes really itchy down there... What do you do? Do you run behind a bush and scratch it? Do you simply ignore it? Do you pray hard for the itch to go away..? LMAO. Has this ever happened to you? What did you do? Tell me about it!
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8 responses
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
14 Jun 10
Hahahaha... This is something very hilarious! Whatever you have to do, do it as long as long as you are on the ride side of the law. I normally have my bag and you can imagine what I would do. Hehe...
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
14 Jun 10
And pray hard it goes off the first time you did it. Hahahaha...
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
14 Jun 10
@breisa (165)
• New Zealand
14 Jun 10
lol... I also do it with my bag, but sometimes I'm afraid, because people might notice it. They might say something like: "OMG! It's vibrating!!!" *eyes popped* How did you put that emoticon?lol
@srganesh (6340)
• India
14 Jun 10
You seem to start funny discussions but they all are really serious and everybody may face them. Regarding this itch, praying to god will not do any miracle. You have to scratch it without fail. The easy thing, I know is to, put your hands in the pocket of your pants and manage to do it secretly.
@breisa (165)
• New Zealand
14 Jun 10
God! I know, it's funny. But seriously, if this ever happened to you, just remember all the comments in this discussion! lol.. And I agree with you, praying will not do any miracle. lol.. Putting your hands in the pocket may work for baggy pants, but I doubt if it will work for girls who wear very skinny jeans. XD
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@srganesh (6340)
• India
15 Jun 10
breisa! It is indeed a tough thing for the girls, especially those wearing a tight jeans like that. Seriously speaking, they should avoid such tight outfits. Otherwise they should carry something like a bag, as some others have recommended to hide the spot and scratch.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
i usually excuse myself and turn 180 degrees.
@breisa (165)
• New Zealand
15 Jun 10
lol... :D
@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 10
I may will pray hard for the itch to go away! Hahah! That's funny. But I don't lie, it really has happened to me in the past, but luckily I was in the bus, and I had my sweater with me. So you can guess how I did it :))
@breisa (165)
• New Zealand
15 Jun 10
lol.. prayers won't work. XD Your sweater technique is much better.
• Kenya
16 Jun 10
haha if u ask me, u might as well, pretend u are tying ur shoelace or adjusting ur shoe and while ur bending well, .......i think that can be a very discreet way of getting away with a really good scratch,lol
@aliya27 (79)
• Kenya
16 Jun 10
oh this has so happened to me, haha. well, for me, i just made sure no kid was around me, then i slowly and gentl reached down and did what i had to do. i believe the kids should always be the ones ur concerned about. Am sure the adults around you will simply understand
@rtsh_gup (185)
• India
26 Jul 10
Ha ha......Yeah I had an experienced.when I was in school during assembly.I will simply scratch because it is nature, I never cares what peoples says about me than to suffer.........
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
14 Jun 10
Some times it happens especially during hot summer afternoon, I casually take my middle finger over there and gently give a rub, thatzit the itch goes away, more than three rubs will cause another trouble, gotit? ...................................its the swell.
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Well i have only experienced that when im at home, not yet in public though. So since im at home you already know that i freely and openly scratched it lol. But if ever that happens to me in public, i'll try to subtly scratch it as well, when im sitting down or if im being covered, or if there's a nearby wall, i'll face the wall and subtly scratch it lol. Maybe about 2 hard strokes would do, coz the itch will be replaced by pain, then the itch will disappear, based on my experience.