Addicted To PinoY POCKETbooks...

By dee
@yresh12 (3212)
June 15, 2010 7:20am CST
My fellow kababayans can relate to this. I started reading Pinoy pocketbooks(written by Filipino writers in Filipino) I love reading one especially those when the lead girl is very pitiful and she is very hurt and then her knight in shining armor comes. I started to read again this week. KRISTINE SERIES is one of my all time favorite which is written by MARTHA CECELIA. She is a very known and a good writer. I like how she makes stories and the way the characters link together. You will never get bored. Unlike some of those pocketbooks where you will get bored because the stories are common with MARTHA CECILIA you would be looking for more... I hope that there would be an english version of these books to recognize filipino romance writers... What about you what's your favorite?
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3 responses
@hexeduser22 (7257)
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
I'm not a fan of pocketbooks but I know people who loves and are addicted to read Pinoy pocketbooks. I lopve reading books but never got to the point of reading pinoy pocketbooks. If it were that good as you say then I hope it would be recognize all over the world so we could have another thing to be proud of
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
Hi hex... I know and it's not your type to read one. what books do you read? I hope they would. There are a lot of writers out there who need recognition.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
When it comes to "Tagalog" I read Filipino Comics. I usually read novels, classic English novels. I've read two Tagalog novels before. It was "Lalaki sa Dilim"(Man in the Dark) and Kangkong 1986(A novel about how Filipinos prepared for a revolution in 1986). I also read Bob Ong's works
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
"Bata, Bata Paano Ka Ginawa?" (Child, Child How Were You Made?) I've also read and love this novel by Lualhati Bautista
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
18 Jun 10
I know lots of people who are very addicted with Pinoy pocketbooks. But I seldom borrow them because not all of them have good stories. And they have portions that are too carnal. But I remember one book I've read and like it, the author is a Pinay (forgot her name) but it was written mostly in English. I think the title was "The Break Up Diaries".
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
Hi Ichi. Carnal? I think that is not so. Well Martha's way of doing so she termed it as making love. I appreciate how she describe the love making in a way which is not very vulgar and all. Very artistic.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
Hey ichi, Well it really depends on how you interpret the story. i hope you can read some of hers sometime.
@ichipink (541)
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
Hello yresh12! Oh ok, it's good to know that her books is not vulgar. When I have time to read again, I'll be looking for her books too.
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
I'm sure not everyone will like reading Tagalog pocketbooks because they belong to a different market. However, if you are to think of the Filipino market as a whole, of which majority belong to the poverish segment. I'm sure they would love to read stories of this kind, characters that are oppressed and poor and eventually managed to redeem themselves out of poverty, etc.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
hey Ip!! You're right. Our genre for books comes with a lot of variations and readers have lots of taste when it comes to reading one. i just hope that they would be able to give some time and acknowledge filipino writers.