I have never ???

November 16, 2006 5:58pm CST
ok here is how we play this game: each person posts 2 things they have never done. The next person posts one of those things(if they have never done it) and also posts another thing they have never done. For example: I post: I have never been overseas. I have never driven a truck. then Storm posts: I have never driven a truck(if she never has) then she posts 1 more thing she has never done. Ok,I'll go first: I have never been in a helicopter I have never been to Sydney
2 responses
• Indonesia
17 Nov 06
that's good idea... i never been heard you to poting like that... is it okey?
• Australia
17 Nov 06
close .. give me two things that you have never done ...
@burgoonster (3757)
• Canada
17 Nov 06
I Have Never Been Overseas I Have Never Ever Driven