we have become machine by tyring to make extra money????

June 16, 2010 9:18am CST
Have we been totally conferred into a machine by trying continuously to make extra money? Well dont we think that we are not giving proper attention towards our family which is also our duty. Do we have a little time to think that our family members may also sometimes need our company and they feel lonely? So what will you think what is the right way to lead a proper life and make our family happy?
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3 responses
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
There is a point in my life that I have been very busy looking for money and I've been neglecting my responsibility as a mother to my son. I thought by providing all his needs would be enough to make me a responsible mother. I didn't think until I realize I don't have a close relationship with my son, he didn't look for me and even if I am around all he mentioned was his aunt (my sister). It hurts so much that your son doesn't want to be with you in his younger age. That's why I change my ways by setting a bonding time with him and giving him my full attention when I am at home. Now, I decided to stay at home and be a good mother to him.
• India
16 Jun 10
yes correct... but I never tried to earn extra money by sacrificing my entertainment and sleeping time
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
if i have daily job and regular income then perhaps i can give time to my family from work and during rest days, but now that i dont have job and i dont have regular income, most of the time im online trying to earn from single cents to make it big. i was lucky to find site that was able to give me more than 80 dollars for just a week without any investment, it was very tiring but its ok as i able to earn 16 dollars a day with it, its not everyday and i was just lucky to have those, so hopefully next month theres another batch of work again.