Changing Habits that I am so used to

United States
June 17, 2010 10:27pm CST
Okay, So what do yall do when you have things in your life that you know need to be changed but you are so used to it that it is almost impossible to change yourself. I have found that as a wife I nag quite a bit but not because I am not pleased with my husband but because I want better for him.. I want this to change I want to be able to encourage him to do better without nagging. It's not that I am displeased with him.. It's that my husband is smart and way more able to do more than what he does. I know that he could sail further in life but he is one of those people who needs a little shove...
6 responses
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
18 Jun 10
There is a VERY FINE LINE between giving a little shove & nagging the hell out of someone!!! ONLY you can figure out the BEST way for you to change your nagging into a little shove. Where giving a little shove can be productive, nagging can be counter-productive!!! If you truly love your husband, find a way to SUPPORT him until he does what you want!!!!
@swn_chik (266)
• India
27 Jul 10
Habit are hard to give up after we are deep into it.When I was in junior high school,I had a habit of watching TV after my classes... My mom used to get angry and scold me but now I have completely kicked this habit out of me.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jun 10
hi lillybelledaisyrose I think with me its the habit of multitasking when someone is talking to you and wants your full attention. I do not mean to ignore the speaker but have always been apt to do more than one thing at a time, and even now my adult son says, I was talking to you, put that down as you are not listening to me. But in the two long term jobs Ihad, I had to multitask as most people to so its a habit hard to break. But nagging a man usually does more harm than good. Encouraging him is one thing but this shove business sounds like you really do nag some and most men just hate that. I would think if you could talk to you husband like you do to us he would be more apt to listen, tell him to his face he is smart and able to do most anything, then let him take it from there.We really cannot make over our mates. they have to do that themselves.
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
The best thing you could do is do the opposite of nagging. Erase the word nagging in your vocabulary. Put love in every action thet you do and undertand your husband. don't let him change... Change your self first... Then your husband will follow the change that he has seen in you. change with prayer that you can do it constantly.
@pooja30 (203)
• India
18 Jun 10
I have this annoying tendency to procrastinate everything, and it always makes me miss submission deadlines and appointments and lunch or dinner plans. I even put off taking a shower or waking up in the morning on weekends, it's that bad! I've been trying to fix it for a while now, but I'm slowly giving up on it. I also want to quit smoking because it's a terrible terrible habit and it's bothering everyone around me, but once again, I'm procrastinating! :|
@kdondonc (13)
• Malaysia
18 Jun 10
i want to change my smoking habit, but.. it is a little bit difficult for me. maybe because i'm surrounded by smokers?or just maybe i'm not ready to quit yet.