Little Things

United States
June 17, 2010 10:32pm CST
What are the little things in your life that make you happy? I mean the really simple things like for me when I feed my chickens the smell of the feed makes me smile really big because I Love it... Now what about you..
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6 responses
@xaint7 (20)
• Philippines
18 Jun 10
Coffee!!! Although making the perfect cup is more than ever just simple. =D
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• Indonesia
16 Nov 10
a little things that really makes me happy is when feel that I could feel the air that I breath. oh, No. think is that a great things :)
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jun 10
hi LBDR sorry my wrists are sore from typing. My blood sugar was low when I came to my room just now, so the box of ripe strawberries a friend gave me made me really happy. they were so red and juicy and sweet, and just huge, Jessie said, this is for you when your blood sugar goes low. A kind gesture from a friend, made me happy and the sweet juicy berries also made me smile. Simple things like when I come up here after dinner and take off my shoes and slip into a comfy ratty old nightie it feels so good and makes me happy too.that second cup of coffee in the morning, the taste, the wonderful odor of it, that really makes me happy.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
18 Jun 10
Little things that make me happy! very difficult to tell. Because my life is not close to the word happy. Maybe that would make me happy is money. Is the money including the small things that make happiness?
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
18 Jun 10
Watering my plants and seeing a new shoot, a new bud or a flower makes me happy. The simple things we can enjoy that could color our world so meaningfully.
• India
2 Aug 10
When I hear my favorite song that any one playing one the way while I am working.I feel like crazy that I feel to listen for long time .If I heard any song which I like the most and if I am sad at that moment also suddenly I will be happy.When I see some body smiling at once I will change to smile.