Is it that shallow? give and you give if you don't then your not a friend....

By dee
@yresh12 (3212)
June 19, 2010 5:31am CST
I'm just pretty disappointed how some other people define what friendship is... If you give or do a favor to your friend would you expect something in return... Even love and friendship is the same it's all about GIVING. It's your prerogative if you want to give or not. You don't have to pressure your friend or require that person which is not on their league. Acceptance of once differences and own views... What about you? Do describe friendship as getting what you want and if you don't you won't befriend that person?
2 responses
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
No, never. It is not my idea of friendship. A friend is someone who accepts you for who you are not, rather than who you are. Well, that's my opinion. I stay away from user-friendly people-meaning people who make you believe they are your friend just because they are benefiting from your generosity. Once you don't have anymore to give them, they avoid you like a leper. I am not saying all people are like that, there are just some. You just need to learn to separate these people from your real friends, or you will end up getting hurt. As a friend I give, without expecting anything in return. Being my friend, I don't expect you to give me anything. And that's that.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
Hi aileen, That was really sweet of you and you defined friendship pretty well. I know what you mean and I don't really like to take advantage of people. I hope your the same. Thanks for dropping by mah friend.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jun 10
That's not friendship, that's being a user...