my cat is sick

June 23, 2010 10:13pm CST
my cat is pregnant and i think shes sick too, what should i do? it's been almost 2 weeks now, she doesn't eat much and she moves very slow not unlike before can't afford bringing my cat to a vet. though, are there anything i could do to treat my cat?
3 responses
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
oh my...the best thing to do is to bring her to the vet. they know what to do to her situation.
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
thanks everyone, i think my cat now is getting better.. didn't do anything but just kept feeding her and showing her my love
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
I also have a cat but his a boy, when he got sick before, i think its worst because he vomits, he became so weak and he became so thin, we don't have money too to bring him to the vet so we give him lots of water because he looses also his appetite, but you know my sister and I keep on praying for him and we always touch him and know that we are there for him, he is a very good cat, he even try to get himself up and go out of the house to vomit outside, he doesn't want to messed our house. Continues prayer and showing him care he gets well. Cats are also creation of God, and us as the child of God, He hear our prayers and heals people and the pets we love. God bless. Hope this response does not seems too weird for you but really prayer works.
@kaylachan (60613)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Jun 10
Talk to your local shelter or animal resource center. If not look up one online. Your cat needs a vet, but you may have to find a method that will be easier on your pocket book. Though as long as your cat eats, most vets don't see a need to treat them. Pregnecy can take the tole on the animal.