Babies swapped at birth, what would you do?

June 26, 2010 7:47am CST
You discover that your wonderful one year old child is, because of a hugh mistake at the hospital, not biologically yours and got mixed up with another baby. Would you want to exchange the children to correct the mistake?
2 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
4 Jul 10
After a year of raising a child as my own, I think it would be difficult if not impossible for me to take my biological child into my life when she hadn't been in my life for the past year. If it was possible I would like to have a relationship with the other child and I would want to allow my child to have a relationship with her biological parents, but I certainly wouldn't want to give up the child with whom I'd spent sleepless nigts and such with because that would be our history.
7 Jul 10
I fully understand your reasoning. In the event of this happening would you then fight for the right to keep the child you have raised as your own for the past year, if it so happened that the other parents want the children exchanging?
• Netherlands
27 Jun 10
Well I guess this is the worst thing that could happen to you, no idea w'hat I would do...
29 May 11
It would be an aweful situation to find yourself in. I myself, having 4 children, wouldn't know what I would do. In reality, it isn't just you to consider, there is your partner, the child you have looked after as your own, the other parents and the other child. But even those few are really only the primary people, there is also the extended family, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and grandparents. Thank you for responding to my post.