Advice Please..Should I Type A Letter Or Not?

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
June 26, 2010 7:20pm CST
I have an application form from a Building Society for an Accounts Clerk post. It says that training will be given so experience in the field isn't essential. Yeh, right! However, I have come across this before, both at the Building Society in question (for a job I didn't get ages ago) plus other organisations that have taken on people that have clearly worked for them previously...or somewhere similar. I am long-term unemployed which isn't good and would like to know if anyone out there has tips on making this sound more positive? Should I type a letter airing my views on interviewing me (if it comes to that) on the grounds of making the numbers up, which has also happened in the past? One thing I cannot stand is for me to be short-listed for interview but they have no intention of taking me on. I have a 6th sense in this regard so know what I am talking about. That has been confirmed via any feedback I have received citing "you were good at interview but...we took a person on who filled our criteria better" and, once I prod them for more information they tell me they have gone for someone with "recent experience." I am running out of things to say on forms. I have considered mentioning MyLot as it is a way of me making money but does that sound sad and desperate because..odds are they won't have heard of the site. Even worse, they might think I'm part of a scam! I really don't know what to do. Any ideas?
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2 responses
• Canada
27 Jun 10
Why not say that you've been a partime consultant? If your line of work is in accounts, then you can always say that you cant provide names of customers as you're bound by contracts. When I was hired to work as a secretary in the public sector, I hadnt been working for the two previous years. My boss was a very smart woman, she hired me anyways but told me to never leave any blank space on a CV or application form. If you're not wanting to lie, you can always say that you did volunteer work for whatever reason. (sick family member, needed to give back to society, etc) Im now working from home for a company in London and Im bound by contract. If ever I had to go back on the market place, in the "real" world, I wouldnt be able to tell them what Ive been doing for the past seven years!!! Id write that I did work for a company abroad and that Im bound by contract and thats it. Good luck and I hope this helps.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
27 Jun 10
Hi! I will consider long and hard the advice you have given me. In a way it's a shame I don't have children as they would help me in this situation (mothers taking time out to look after youngsters is always a positive thing) but that is definitely something I could not lie about. That is interesting, the consultant thing. Client confidentiality and all that. The thing is if I was asked about the advice I was giving do I lie about that too and say "I can't, client confidentiality" lol. I am probably building this job up to be more important than it really is and the actual company will do that too, otherwise no-one would apply for it. Interestingly, on the form it asks if I have been interviewed for them before and of course I have put "yes" because I have. I wonder if that would make them interview me again or not? We shall see!
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• Canada
28 Jun 10
Yes what you do for your client is confidential also, why not if you're working in accounting. As for them asking if you applied before, it can go both ways. Some companies like the idea of you applying over and over, it gives them a cheap thrill, others tend to not hire a second time thinking that if they didnt the first time, there was a good reason they didnt. Dumb as people change and with some company you can apply for more than one type of position. Well fingers crossed for you then.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Jun 10
I wouldn't write the letter. I think you might get yourself disqualified on the basis of "attitude" if you do. I wouldn't mention myLot either.