Do you still dream of being able to replace your curent income online?

June 27, 2010 6:53am CST
We all know that there are ways to earn a decent online income but it's all a matter of finding the right way that works for us. If you are like me & haven't found a way that works for you but still are able to earn a few extra bucks a month, do you still dream of being able to replace your current income that you earn by going to work? I have been a stay at home mom for over 3 years & although I have found ways to bring in a little extra cash, I haven't been able to comepletely replace my income that I was earning by working but I still dream & work towards doing this when I do get the time. What about you? do you dream about it & work towards this goal? What are your online earning goals?
16 responses
@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
I'm bored at my work now so I get online on my free time. I want to generate good earnings every month so I could quit my job and have no boss at all. I think there are decent ways to earn more online, it's just that we haven't stumbled on the golden ways yet.
• Australia
27 Jun 10
This is true but until we find our golden ways of earning online, the few cents or dollars we earn now still helps us :P
@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Cents online are already gold for me, lol. It's hard to earn online and the daily cents are enough already to pile up into a big amount at the end of the month.
• United States
1 Jul 10
I myself have been really trying for about a year and a half now to make an income online and I still can't rely on my internet earnings alone. I take surveys regularly and sometimes write articles and of course myLot but it is not enough to live on by itself. I have also started my own website where I list all the sites known to me that pay for taking surveys and writing articles but there is not any income from that, only a referral every now and again. I am thinking of starting another website that is geared more toward making an income but I am waiting on a really good idea because starting a website is hard work. I think that once I have a website in place that will generate income and add to that my surveys and article writing and of course e-bay, then I should see a bit more income. I think that it will take a lot of referrals to really make a difference.
• Australia
1 Jul 10
I think for all the little bits we all do online, it will take alot of referrals to make a least we can still make a little bit online...Good luck with your further endeavours.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Jun 10
It has never been my dream to replace my income online, though I suppose it would be nice. I would not want to have to toil away in the same manner as having an office job in order to do it. Now that I am not employed outside my home I am hoping to be able to write full time, but I don't know that posting articles online will be enough.
• Australia
30 Jun 10
I hope you do well with your article writing.
@alex_raju (173)
• India
1 Jul 10
I really feel it funny thinking about my case.The thing is i couldn't even make my pocket money from online.I really tried some site including this and it sucks a lot of time if your looking for money .So now no online income in mind .
• Australia
1 Jul 10
That's fair enough - it is hard to earn online but at least with the little bits that we do earn, it all helps.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
29 Jun 10
Hmm, not replace, but to have the option to work a bit less at a regular office job, and to have an additional, passive income. I work towards this on a regular basis, and so far it is going completely according to plan, which I am very happy about! I wish you the best of luck with your dream and your personal goals, keep working hard and you will get there, I am sure!
• Australia
29 Jun 10
Thank you for your wishes...I hope I will succeed too. In which ways do you earn your passive online income?
• United States
29 Jun 10
I think every does think that hoping there income online will increase and i am one of them. Especially now adays almost all the necessity and wants are so high now.
• Australia
29 Jun 10
This is very true...I would like to increase my earnings just to help me pay more of my bills.
• United States
27 Jun 10
Very few will be able to replace their income from earning online, but it is possible to create enough of an online income to make things easier on you and your family. Clearly, time and patience, along with positive steps every day is needed to build your business...and with any luck (lots, and lots, of referrals) you can begin creating several decent streams of monthly income. The way the economy is all over the world, getting to that point is not out of the question... there will be many people looking to create additional streams of income. Maybe we are all in the right place (online earning opportunities) at the right time!
• Australia
27 Jun 10
Hopefully we are all at the right place at the right time :) I agree that it does take alot of work & referrals & of course luck...It can be done but I guess it's just a matter of finding what works for us as individuals too.
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Yes, I still dream of working at home and earning significant regular income through my online activities. I'm not so sure if I have the discipline for it though. As what freelancers would probably attest to, it's not as easy as we'd all like to think it is. You have to treat as real work too. :)
• Australia
28 Jun 10
You are very right in saying that - you do have to treat it like you would a job in the office of where ever...Just because you are at home doesn't mean you're not working. I hope you reach your dream.
• United States
27 Jun 10
I think we all dream about it, I had my hopes up about 6 years ago when a man told me I could make thousands a month doing an MLM, all I did was buy stuff and I never made a single penny. I think the guy most likely made more off me then I would have off anyone in a lifetime. Patsy and I have tried just about everything over the past 10 years, and I have to say, I believe that having blogs, or writing for cash is about the only things at all that work. Along with the few extra dollars that I make for manual surfing for cash, I think the only passive income is in blogging for a living.
• Australia
27 Jun 10
This can be true for alot of us including myself...with blogging though, it's also a matter of geting traffic to your blog...I know I find it hard even with traffic exchanges to get traffic to my blog. There are a few people who can make mlm work but not very many.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
28 Jun 10
Yes. I dream and do my best to achieve that goal because the alternative is being homeless.
• Australia
29 Jun 10
That's always a good incentive to keep working at it.
@MDG2211 (711)
• Argentina
29 Jun 10
I congratulate you for already having managed to gain something of money online, and ojala could continue progressing, for my part I continue searching though it is to gain something of money online and to overcome my traditional income. All the time? This if that is a good question, I believe that up to exhausting all the previous instances, or until obtains a stable traditional work that me similar after-taste.
• Australia
29 Jun 10
Thank has been hard to find the sites that pay but it's worth it when you see the rewards coming through. I just need to find either more sites or find more referrals or a bit of both to help my income grow.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Best wishes in reaching your online dreams. Eric
• Australia
29 Jun 10
Thank you.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
If i can make $0.10 a day here, multiplied by 30 days per month, that is $3. to have a million dollars i will earn here for......333,334 months or 27,777 years. Bwahahahahahahah.....I can make it. Bwahahahahahah.
• Australia
28 Jun 10
That's an interesting way to look at it least we know this site does pay :p
• Malaysia
27 Jun 10
I do dream about it too. I am working very hard towards this goal. It's not easy to earn a lot online but it is also not a miracle not to earn a lot online. Some people have done it. So I guess we can do it too. But we have to remember though that "Rome is not built in a day" and that "Hardwork is the key to success". Nothing comes easy in life. We know that, don't we? We just have to work hard and don't give up easily. I'm a work @ home mum.I just quit my job last April to become a full time writer. The income from writing is passive, hence I need an active income to support my living. At the moment I am working very hard and I am yet to prove that we can actually gain a lot online. I only need $500 a month to live comfortably in my country. Do you think I can get that amount? I'm working hard, real hard.
• Australia
27 Jun 10
I does take alot of hard work. I believe we can all do this if we put in the hard yards. I hope you are able to achieve your goal.
@myl999 (2093)
• India
27 Jun 10
Yeah you are very right, everyone think its very easy to make money online whereas its really difficult to earn that much to survive without having a day job, to have that kind of earning one has to be a vivid marketing expert and what makes you an expert all the skills required to be a good marketer when mastered and that is surely not easy. I am online since 2006 and trying to make some extra income working from home while doing all my research and trials till date joined so many programs and almost spent all my savings on that but yet to get success ,but still I have not given up and working as well more than previously, Now at least I have found out some real streams which makes money..but that is not target is to make $1000 minimum per month working online and to accomplish now I am trying to learn the basic skills required to set and organize a real online business and hoping good in future.
• Australia
27 Jun 10
I'm sorry to hear that you have lost most of your savings...I have similar goals to you - I would love to earn about $1000 per month & I know I will get there but I am still trying to find my niche. Good luck in your endeavours.
• Vietnam
27 Jun 10
Me too. I'm trying to live with money from internet. But I just need around $500 to live well in my country. Could I reach the goal?
• Australia
27 Jun 10
You can as long as you have time & patience to find what works best for you. I have a blog link in my profile that may help you on your way. You don't have to look at my blog though...up to you :)