1million dollars/pesos in a minute, what things 1st you want to buy?

June 30, 2010 11:22pm CST
If you were given a chance to have 1 million dollars/pesos .. what's things first you want to buy and what do you want to do in a money... here's the deal .. you have to use the money in a whole day.
4 responses
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
i want to buy so many things, but most of all if that million will just be gone in a day, id want to share it w as many people as i can. i wouldnt want to buy anything that would just take more time to maintain. i wouldnt want to buuy anything that would just accumulate more debt. if this was my only chance at a million i would be happy just to be able to give it away. though i would not give it to charity, i would probably give some 5k ea to family, or relatives, 1k to friends, and keep maybe 50k for myself for any other expenses, like dining out and celebrating, shopping, investing and giving tips. so as you can see the million can be very easily and happily spent. perhaps some of it will even come back to me.
@dian21 (606)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
If it is One million Pesos, it is not yet enough to pay my house fully and a buy a brand new car. It is so fast to lose that 1 million pesos nowadays.
1 Jul 10
I would buy myself a nice house and be mortgage free and I would also pay off my sisters and my mums mortgage. The rest I would use to furnish my new place and then I would be smart and invest the rest to reap the rewards at a later date.
@hanagi (390)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
I would buy a car.I think 1 million would be sufficient, or maybe I would shop or I would buy stocks.