What things run through your mind before you go sleep?

July 2, 2010 4:29pm CST
Things always cross my mind while I can't fall asleep because at that time it is quiet and dark, so no distractions like the day. Sometimes worrying things cross my mind like 'My time is running out in this life, and I have done nothing to make my life worthwhile' And I think 'yesterday I was just 12 running about having fun, and today I am 23, where did all the time go? What do I have to show for it?', Will the people I love be here tomorrow, or is there time with me limited? Do you think these kinda things? Or am I just strange minded?
12 responses
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
hi there. i guess you were doing a little soul searching before you slept. this is healthy. but do not do it everyday. you will just feel depressed when you feel like there has been a lot of changes and nothing major is going on. you are just 23. and you are young. there are gazillion possibilities out there. take the plunge. you may feel that in a span of 10 years, nothing major has happened and you are thinking where did the time go. there are a lot of things that happened in your life, maybe you just didnt notice because you were focusing on the things that you wanted to happen that did not. but if you will scrutinize your years and months, you'll see how wonderful your life was. your friends, your family, your hobbies... and i think the reason why you are feeling or thinking like this is because you need a change in your routine. you may want to start doing something that you haven't done before. stir your days.do something different.
• Philippines
3 Jul 10
a lot of things go through my mind before I sleep.I think about what happened earlier.I think about what I will do tomorrow.I think about people I interacted with the whole day.I think about things I want in my life.sometimes,I am just tired and just drift off to dreamland.
• Philippines
3 Jul 10
girl...you are a girl right? anyway, girl, you're still young but if you're really inclined to think of what you've done to show the world for, that's gonna go on until you're old and gray. anyway, i think about that too but that's because i'm thirty and i was 'derailed' for so long, was terribly ill for over two years you know. these days, i often think about the things i could have done differently, it doesn't help but i always think about them especially before going to sleep.
@jennbart (1330)
• Philippines
3 Jul 10
The things that crosses my mind are: 1. Did I really make the right decision in resigning? Will I still get a job that I will like? Will the pay be good? 2. Why do I still like my crush? It had been 1 year now and the last time that I saw him was last year. How come I cannot stop thinking of him? Is there a possibility of us in the near future? 3. I love to buy stuffs for my room. But I dont have a job.
• United Arab Emirates
3 Jul 10
Since i read the book power of your subconscious mind. I have been thinking good things, positive things and things that i want to get in life. Bcos when we think of something when we go to sleep the subconscious mind absorbs it. The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between right and worng. It accepts whatever you say. So i decide to think good and see myself as a successful man in future.
3 Jul 10
yah i do those things too, but just to give you a more positive note, i am thirty five right now. much more older than you , and yeah i am worried but i still can hope things will be better for me...
@LeeHolt (433)
2 Jul 10
Hi, I am exactly the same as you when it comes to sleep time, no distractions at all so the worrying things start to creep in to keep you from sleeping. This becomes a bit of a problem for me as I usually can't even feel tired before 3:30, so that is the earliest I go to bed. I try go to bed before that but simply cannot even keep my eyes closed :(. Lee.
• United States
3 Jul 10
I have not been able to sleep much the past couple of months. I am worried about money and trying to afford all the basic necessities. I am down to eating one meal per day and have no cell phone. Right now my husband and I had to get rid of our home phone which results in us not having a phone at all. We have a very old car which if it goes out then my husband will have no transportation to get to work.I have a college degree and can not find a job which is really depressing me. Our power company has threatened to shut us off and will not work with us. Our meter is broken, but the power company will not come out and fix the line. As a result the company keeps on ripping us off. We have thought about selling our home, but that is not going to be easy because the real estate is bad here. It is not a sellers market right now.
• India
3 Jul 10
well when I am going to sleep, lots of things run through my mind. All the things that happened to me in the day again revolves in my mind, all the people I intracted with and all the activities I performed fills my mind. Sometimes, my minds gets occupied with many of my fears.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
3 Jul 10
You are just being normal as I am, nothing strange. Mine would be filled with my day and those of my family's. I would think of what I could do to make things a little better for them and myself. There is usually no instant answer or a solution. But it's a good start and something worth working and thinking on. Thinking too much would make my sleep suffers. And if I don't get a good sleep my day would normally be spoilt. So it's important to know when to stop, at least for me.
• United States
2 Jul 10
The things that ALWAYS go through my mind are about money. Where has all of my money gone? How could I make some more money? Why do things cost so much? Each of these led me to start my own blog and website and start searching for sites that pay money. All of these led me to myLot!!
• United States
2 Jul 10
dolphin0106 i sorta feel the same way as you but i also think if im going to wake up tomorrow and find a girlfriend.