How do you choose your pets' names?

July 4, 2010 1:02pm CST
I always have a hard time chossing my pets' names, because I want them to have a name that matches their characters (even if I end up calling them just "kitty", lol). I have three cats. The first two are called Simba (like the Lion King, because he really looks like a lion kitten), the male one, and Ariel, the female one. We first chose Simba's name because it was easier, and then we wanted something that matched his name and couldn't find something more appropriate for my kitten. The third kitten is their three months old son, and I named him Diego, like Diego Velazquez, because I love that painter. So... How do you choose your pets' names?
2 responses
@arpatron (25)
4 Jul 10
My family give the names randomly, usually started by consonant and ended by vocal letter. however giving last name to a cat is not necessary I guess ^^
• Italy
4 Jul 10
Why do you think it's not necessary?
5 Jul 10
well... because it will cause confusion on the cat ^^ my persian cat name's is "jhonny rambo" my sister call it "jhonny" my brother call it "rambo" The cat will answer "meow" to both call and this makes the cat as if it has two names.
• Italy
5 Jul 10
Cats (the ones I got, at least) never respond to the "name" itself, they're not dogs. Mine always respond to the tone, so if I call him Simba, kitty, fatty or whatever it doesn't really make any differences for him, he just answers because he hears my voice and the tone I use to call him. :)
@sjlskl (3382)
• Singapore
11 Jul 10
Normally, I would name their according to any striking features that they might have. An example, I have a dog with patches on her back and I named her spotty while another dog that I have, he looks like a bear and yes you guess it, I call him bear.