Do you have trouble making your kid sleep at night ?

United States
July 9, 2010 4:21pm CST
I have a 11/2 yr old daughter who finds it very difficult to sleep at nights. She gets up in between atleast twice and then we need to allay her ... any experiences ? any suggestions ?
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5 responses
• India
31 Jul 10
Yes it happens but I am not experienced but I saw my friends child who cannot sleep at night and continues crying at the night.May be that child having some problem or not feeling not comfortable while sleeping.May be child is sleeping during day time.So I suggest you not let your child to sleep during day time.
@bkrm_gupt (219)
• India
28 Jul 10
There might be the reason why your child is not sleeping at night may be that she is sleeping during the day time or lake of some problems with her body.
@ruperto (1552)
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
It seems different foods or drink would make a person sleepy. When I was younger it was cold milk (full-fat) and a certain brand of chocolate milk that made me sleepy.
• United States
15 Jul 10
There are many reasons why a child cant sleep: Ask yourself all of these questions:is she full? does she have a wet diaper that you have to change more than once at night? Is she on a comfy bed or is the blanket rough, room cold/hot? Make sure she is confortable then try all of these: if she take a nap during day, make sure its before 2pm anything later will not let her sleep at night. If she doesnt take a nap at all this may not help her sleep at night. but if she has a late nap then she is wide awake very late. Next you should make her super tired before bed by playing with her, reading with her, taking her a bath then getting things real calm but putting on soft music and dimming or turning off the lights of the house. When she sees that it is time to sleep she may not want to but her actions will slow down. Tell her to be quiet because papi and mami are sleeping and she has to play quietly, eventually she will lay next to you and sleep too. Dont yell or stress out, this will only get her nervous and she wont sleep, shell just be scared angry and hurt.
@abhi000 (235)
• India
27 Jul 10
I have not experience but I have seen from my nicked eye.There are many reasons:may be your daughter is not feeling well and may be due to bed problem.I suggest you that don't let her to sleep at daytime.