What is the standard way of developing website.

@1anurag1 (3576)
July 13, 2010 2:05pm CST
What is the standard way of developing website. I am not sure. But I faced some interview. And they asked me that they need some standard way. I could use classes at max but I am not sure if this is the standard way. where I can get the step by step standard way of developing the websites. Can you suggest me the good way of development.
1 response
• India
17 Jul 10
see anurag... there are lot of standards available in developing the websites.. the adoption of standards will vary according the type and teh purpose of website that you are going create. if the site is going to be blog kind of stuff,, there is no much special standards.. you can go for CMS. when you use CMS, automatically you are adopted to some standards. if the site is going to be to portal, first you have to identify what kind of site is, who is the client, who is visiting, who is going to be targeted, what it is going to address, what is type of content it will contain, etc., etc., that brings you the some standards when you are clear & plan in the above said. if the site is for shopping, then it has some standards that needs to be followed.. you can browse the ecommerce website like amazon, it has some standards. if you asking for coding standards. try to make a template of website and bring the contents from DB... so that you can reuse the templates for multiple sites. use some editors, it will beautify your code. get some open source scripts, find the standards they have used. and try to follow the one which you can do. happy developing!!!
• France
10 Sep 10
There are quite a number of standards involved with web design. W3C (originator of www) has its standards for html, css coding. However these standards have only recommendation status. So Microsoft till now observe very few of those standards and designing a web page for their IE browser might be a nightmare. So, I hope this might help.