What job can you offer for criminals to start a new life?

@rhodzptc (1317)
July 17, 2010 10:32am CST
Let's face this reality that if there is poverty in one country we cannot change the fact that there are criminals out there like drug pusher, thief, snatchers, swindlers & other kinds of criminality that involves mostly those people who doesn't have the ability to find a job. No matter who will be the president he cannot change this reality unless he will think a better way to find employment for this people. I hope you have realized it too that if you were in a situation were you don't have money to buy food for your family no matter how good your intentions there will still be times that it would comes to your mind to steal. I have seen this with some documentary news people are force to do to steal or sell illegal drugs because they need to provide food or medicine to their family, but there are people whose making this crimes as their way of living. Now if they have given a chance to start a new life what Job could you suggest to your government that they should offer to this people. Remember this people have families too, they need to provide their needs so that there would be lesser crimes. If you put them to jail then you'll just making it worst for their family to live.
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7 responses
@funorb12 (456)
• United States
17 Jul 10
They should have a job that requires a lot of work. This shows them how other people feel when they are working hard in the harsh economy while you were pulling a fast one. A hard laborious job will straighten a ex-criminal.
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@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
They just became criminals because it leaves them no choice they don't have enough education they are poor, their family is hungry, they need medicine for their love ones etc. They only need a job a ways to making a living and they can correct their miserable life. Now what job can you suggest?
@ehsanji (503)
• Pakistan
17 Jul 10
First of all I would like to thank you for starting this great discussion. Now coming back to the topic of offering jobs to criminals. First, let's think 'why a person becomes criminal'. The answer is clear. Any society having injustice and imbalance division of wealth will have the highest number of criminals. Crimes take place mostly when there is injustice and rights are not given to those who deserve it. Illuminating injustice from the society will result in lesser crime rates, and lesser number of criminals. So what we should do is that we should work on creating a society in which the difference between the poor and the rich is very less. All this can be done by implementing strict laws such as the laws in Islam, in which, if you rob, and if that is proved and you were held guilty, your hand will be cut off. But at the same time Islam emphasizes on Zakawt, which means Giving the 2.5 percent of Zakawt (alms) is compulsory for every rich person (there is a criteria for rich people though). Now such law is implemented 100 percent in a country, I don't think there will be any robbery at all. So the crime rate will come down.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
17 Jul 10
It would be hard to do so, since they had records. It really entirely depend on how trustworthy they are after they show some credit. It would be like a credit score on your record. I hope that some charity work with compensation will help a lot.
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@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
That is why our government should give amnesty for them, they will give up their wrong doings peacefully and the government will provide them work able for their family to live a good life.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
17 Jul 10
I would suggest they work in a farm. It's a hard job out there in the sun. Let them feel the joys and sorrows of work. Let them know that there is no shortcut in life. The food they eat comes from the very hands they use to toil the land.
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
17 Jul 10
This is one of the best suggestion so far and a way of good thinking too.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
18 Jul 10
I believe it is the corrective education we want to see them embraced in reforming their own lives. Putting them behind bars alone does not always do the work. Interesting topic! A good thinking you have too!
@rhodzptc (1317)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
Thanks It's just comes up to my mind when I was thinking about our nations problem.
• Malaysia
19 Jul 10
Hm..never think of this issues before.haha But, they should first seek employment with people they know (friends or relatives). Ask everyone that likes them if know someone might be wiling to hire them.Yes, mention their conviction, but stress their strengths and how much they learned from their past. Someone who knows their personally is more likely than a stranger to give them a chance to start over a new life. If this does not work, then consider starting at the bottom. A few months of good work in an entry-level position can yield a good reference, which can start their career back upward.
@lunchz (43)
17 Jul 10
it depends on what kind of criminal the person is. yes it is true that lots of criminals that are detained are poor and that's the reason why they commit such crimes. but when a criminal involved killing people and raping woman just to get what they want from those unfortunate victims i will not consider them as a human being. so those kind of culprits must not be given a new life. just let them die inside bars, we should not be kind to them. just leave them there and let them suffer the consequence of what they did. but in terms of those criminals who committed crimes just to let their family live and they really don't like killing people, i think i will give them an another chance. giving them job or providing them something that will generate income for their living are a very good start for them after they had been jailed.
• India
18 Jul 10
Hi, I agree that poverty and family conditions pushes most of the people into crime , and in theory I agree with you that they should be given a chance to rectify , But the problem is many don't want to leave this line because for example : when you can earn 100 bucks in one day why to slog 1 month for 10 bucks . It's not just they provide for there families (that's not true in most cases as they are absconding most of the time :D) but yes the luxuries of new lifestyle is too much to resist . (above point is specially true for places with rampant corruption and weak law and order combined with non uniform standard of living among population)