Floods Everywhere but shortage of drinking water

@elleb0418 (1107)
July 18, 2010 7:14am CST
Wow! It's rainy days again in my country.Last night we experience heavy rain and it last until in the morning.Good for my place we are not affected by floods,but sad to say there are many places in the Philippines experience floods when rainy days came. We are watching news and eventhough it rains hard but in Luzon are they are having shortage of drinking water.What is happening to my country? I do hope that our government will work through this problem.If ever they are deaf and mute again,do the people need to go out to the street again to shout,so that all of them will wake up?...Happy mylotting..:D
6 responses
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
18 Jul 10
Make your own water reservoir put a container outside and collect all the water. :)
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
I don't know if it's a proper way to do when you are living in Luzon area.In my place we don't have problem about drinking water shortage.When I am still a kid,we used to drink rain water,but today it was said that it's not safe anymore.
@funorb12 (456)
• United States
18 Jul 10
Heavy rain lasts around 3 minutes to about many hours. The first few minutes, the rain brings down chemicals from the sky. Things such as factories and power plants pollute the sky, and the rain brings down all that chemical back to the ground. That's why you see a rainbow-like reflection on some puddles. After around 30 minutes, I think it is safe to drink rain water. I wouldn't recommend it, but you gotta do what you gotta do!
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
Never know about it,but thanks for the information.
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
It's pretty sad hearing other parts of the country is experiencing the devastating flood and shortage of water. I am very lucky I lived here in Davao where supply of water is abundant and we never experienced flood just heavy rain at night, which is good because I can sleep well.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
Yes,we had been lucky we are in a place where there are no floods and shortage of drinking water.I do hope this problem will be solve soon.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
23 Jul 10
The best thing you can do in a situation like this is to know how to collect and purify your own drinking water. You can put containers out in the yard while it is raining to catch the water as it falls. When the containers get full, strain the water through a clean cloth or t-shirt to get the dirt or other stuff that may be floating in it. Coffee filters work well for this as well, you just have to strain the water into a container that is small enough for the coffee filter to stretch over the top of. After straining the water enough to make sure the dirt and stuff is out of it, pour the water into a pot and boil it on the stove. Leave it on there for 3-5 minutes after it starts to boil. Boiling the water will kill all the bacteria and harmful stuff that may have been in it. After boiling it for several minutes, turn it off and leave it on the stove to cool. Once it cools to room temperature, it is safe to drink, cook with, or be stored in clean containers. You can also collect water from freshwater rivers and lakes and use this method to purify it for use. If you figure out a way to do this, you never have to worry about having water to drink again.
@ruzzel016 (241)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
In Manila we can hear that ther are floods that happening there and they have shortage of water to drink, but why is it happening? is there any problems to the leader? I hope the new elect President Noynoy will make a solution for this problem because water to drink is very important to the people and it is one of our basic needs as a human being to survive.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
I never heard about shortage of drinking water in Luzon before,just now,I really don't why is that.But yes the President should act about this problem.Drinking water is very important.
@funorb12 (456)
• United States
18 Jul 10
Wow, that must suck having a water shortage. Water is very essential in life. I only had 1 flood where I live. It didn't even hit me. It hit a park about 4 blocks from my house and everything behind it. It also hit in some of my other counties. Actually, nothing ever happened in records to my street. My street had always been flood free, tornado free, fire free, you name it. No natural or artificial disasters ever happened in my neighborhood.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
I am just happy that I live in a place that was not affected by this calamities.I never been experience flood in my area since.I think your place is a nice place to live too.
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
El Nino was what happened to Philippines this summer that is why the water level in Angat Dam is in a very low level. Even though the first typhoon of the year, Basyang passed, it never really hit the area where the dam is located and it's the type that brought more winds than rain. Eventually the normal rainy season will come and the dams will be filled up but for now, there is a rotating water shortage. There are also water refilling businesses that sprouted everywhere in Metro Manila and they help augment the needs of people for safe drinking water.
@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
I do hope that this problem will be solved soon.There is a another typhoon that will hit Philippines again.Not nice to hear that there is a shortage of drinking water.Water is very important to us.