Do you actually want to monetize your blog?

July 19, 2010 2:56pm CST
Some people have strong personal feelings with respect to making money from their blogs.If you think commercializing your blog is evil,immoral,unethical,uncool,lame,greedy,obnoxious,or anything along those lines,then don't commercialize it. if you have mixed feelings about monetizing your blog,then sort out those feelings first.If you think monetizing your site its wonderful,fine.If you think it's evil fine.But make up your mind before you seriously consider starting down this path.If you want to succeed,you must be congruent.Generating income from your blog is challenging enough - you don't want to be dealing with self-sabotage at the same time. It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog - you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed.If your blog provides genuine value,you fully deserve to earn income from it. If,however,you find yourself full of doubts over whether this is right path for you,you might ask yourself HOW SELFISH ARE YOU? The more important thing for me is about balancing your needs with the needs of others!!!
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