I want what I want when I want it... and you?

@tessa9 (1085)
July 21, 2010 8:16am CST
How about you? Am I the only one? Who else feel that the world owes them something. It may sound so self absorb but sometimes I really feel that way. Who else feels the same way.
1 response
@Comagirl (146)
• Spain
21 Jul 10
I believe we are all responsible for our own actions, and that it is not wrong to be clear about what you want and go for it - provided it doesnt hurt anyone else or infringe their human rights, then if you find yourself holding back, you have to ask yourself WHY. I believe we only pass this way but once, and need to live our lives well and fully, with contentment... this means understanding what it takes to make you happy and persuing those goals. For many this is dependent upon the happiness of others - those we love, like, feel aligned with, or else care about in the abstract... this is a good thing too!