Awkward about meeting new people.

@ANIME123 (2466)
United States
July 21, 2010 9:49pm CST
Well yes it's always awkward for me when meeting people for the first time because I'm always worried if they will like me or hate me you know so I always try to be myself and be something that I am not. Still it's always a scary experience for me I sometimes feel like I will have a total panic attack I don't know why I act like this maybe it was the fact that I did not like people I hated them because I was always teased and people never talked to me. Oh yeah and I guess I have a bad experience from being hit against the wall on my head by a boy so that didn't help me much. Maybe that's why I panic so much and I was almost raped by my cousin so you can see why I am scared. Still I now adore people because I have gotten over that a bit still I sometimes freak when I run out of things to say, but my mind works fast so it thinks of something new to say. How do you go about meeting new people for the very first time??? How do you go about breaking the ice you know to feel comfortable???
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13 responses
@ninyc1 (5)
• China
22 Jul 10
When I meet someone for the first time,it is the first time for him to meet me.When I feel embarressed,maybe so does he.I really think so.It is normal for a person to feel embarressed when meeting a stranger.Be friendly,then be friends.I do not think panic is a problem.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
I guess your right huh it's like putting the shoes of the other person and see how they feel because they might feel the same way too.
• China
22 Jul 10
XXXX,I logged in the web by a wrong account.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
22 Jul 10
Hi anime, the one thing everybody would agree about, just be yourself, it's not like if you fall short of words soon, people won't like you or something, even i fall short of conversations meeting people for the first time and my mind keeps wandering about small things that would keep up the conversation and slowly it goes backwards towards our history and all, our education and such. Even if you don't find anything to say they would ask something and you can then ask something related in turn and it would go quite well. Being shy is no sin, even i am one hehe. Time sure makes all things alright, just let the other person get to know more about slowly and they will be on par with your pace and become friends in no time.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Yes I know because I don't not want to be myself because then I would be like a completely different person if I were to do that. Ok I will also take your advise and thank you for your comment.
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
23 Jul 10
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jul 10
I'm not too good with social things, so I really hope that THEY break the ice for me. I do better with people who are outgoing and good at making people comfortable.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Oh really I always thought that you were a person that would be outgoing you know. Still I no what you mean I just love people like that because they can always break the ice and make one feel at ease like their is nothing wrong.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
22 Jul 10
Hello to you! I really felt sorry about that incident with a cousin. I have been harrassed too as a child but a friend of mine advised to surrender it all to God, forgive the person no matter how hard so that I could also heal. I still feel awkward in meeting people. I have a slight social phobia but everyday I am learning to deal with this weakness and overcome it. It's great to meet new people. You learn from each and every one of them. Sometimes, they also learn from you.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Yes I do forgive him because I am not one to hold grudges because god would not like me to do something like that. Oh yes the social phobia I hate that though really I am glad that you are slowly dealing with it and getting more courage. I am also trying to deal with it one step at a time and trying to get used to it so I wont be as scared to meet new people.
@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
22 Jul 10
I am so sorry to hear what had happened to you. But first, what you have to do is be positive. Forget all those things, I do know that it is uneasy to just forget all the bad things, but however you must do it. When you have to meet that new person, just be yourself. Be comfortable with yourself first. I usually just give a warm welcome smile to the new people I am going to meet. ^^ Good luck! I know you can!
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Thank you for your support it really means a lot to me and I will take your advise and try to be more positive. Hmm my brother always tells me why you look so emo and I'm all like no I don't I just look the way I look. I will try to be myself more often also and be comfortable because I know that it will help me in the long run.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
I had an experience of meeting new people everyday. I experienced talking to people I dont know. I talk to them when I am walking, when I am at the bus station or even in the bus. As long as I have the chance to talk to someone I do it. Now that I graduated from that, I dont seem to have the guts of talking to them anymore. I dont know what's wrong with me now.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Wow so you really use to be a talker, but now you are shy I wonder what went wrong. Hmm I'm sure you will get the guts one day again to talk to so many people. I mean you use to do it so I wonder what did go wrong there.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
well i usually dont have this problem when who im meeting is friendly but sometimes when they arent sometimes just keep to myself for a while. wehen i was new to my job, i usually keep to myself because im still bewildered on what to do and such. but after a couple of days i got the hang of it.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
Really you just kept to yourself it's good that you got a hang of things though and came out of your shell. Still it really is weird especially if you are starting to work at a job for a very first time it can be really nerve wracking.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
22 Jul 10
Hi, I will always try to stay calm and relax when first time meeting someone that I never meet before. I used to meet up with my chatting friends when I was young.KInda of nervous. Curious on their looks and whether can chat with them or not. Some are fine,but some are kinda quiet type. I also do meet with some friends where I got to know them from Forum. They are nice persons and till now we still keep in touch with each other. Even with some blogger friends, we are still in contact. When I first meet with them, I feel quite nervous and the conversation can just carry on smoothly. We even went for holiday together.It is very fun.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
So staying calm and relax works I'll try being more like that then. Wow really cool that you all went for the holiday together.
@eresilva (91)
• Jersey
22 Jul 10
Not everybody you meet is gonna be friendly.But always remember to smile, be confident-- learn to take the tease 'back' but not in a rude 'take-that-back' way.The best way is just to laugh it off.Say little about what you do,where you stay-- focus on the other person.. Never think someone is more 'valuable' than you in a conversation..If it gets out of control walk away.Show the person there are some people who are still cultured and you're one of them.
• Philippines
23 Jul 10
When I meet new people,I just become myself. I talk and act like the way I really am. Meeting new people is simple. If they don't like you, don't bother to do anything. If they like you, then just try to get to know them. I understand why you feel very awkward. After all those experiences, I think everyone would feel just like the way you felt.
@letty15 (44)
• Canada
23 Jul 10
just be yourself
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
well i can say that I have no problem meeting new people, I love to meet new faces and have new friends, I can easily get along with them since I am this type of person who talks a lot. pretty much interested about them so I asked a lot of questions, my way of starting a good conversation with them.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
So you ask them question about themselves so that they can feel that you are interested to be their friend that's actually not bad. I do that at times, but then I change topics you know that's what I mostly do.
• China
22 Jul 10
well, it's really an interesting topic. i have to say i also feel a little bit awkward when first meeting someone. These days, we have lots of platforms to meet some new friends, who share the same interests with us and enjoy talking with each other. Since some of us are not far from each other, then why not meet and we may talk more comfortably. Unfortunately, i have never met some netfriends, kinda worried they would do something bad to me.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jul 10
I know right it's like it's an awkward silence really uncomfortable. Yes I never meet net friends either they might do something bad you never know how they really are you know.