How do you overcome FaceBook addiction?

United States
July 27, 2010 1:59pm CST
I have quite alot of friends who are addicted to Facebook. They cannot imagine life outside facebook. Even when you tell them of some site like this one mylot, they don't want. I will be glad to hear how one can overcome this addiction which is taking many people by storm
3 responses
@juneramir (334)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
I totally see addiction to facebook as something that can happen to a lot of people. I mean I have been using the website for three years now and I more than 100% that i myself am addicted to it and the odd thing is i am introducing my family riends to it which makes it like a virus...I still love it which makes it even weirder. Technology in general can be addictive. Today is Facebook, yesterday was Myspace, future Twitter... Get a life connect with family and friends in person! Balance your life. Like B. Franklyn use to say: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
• United States
27 Jul 10
I have to admit that I've gotten swept up into the facebook addiction myself. And I think people really just enjoy being connected to those in their life. I only think the addiction is bad if a) they are spending ALL of their spare time on it and b) if there is ridiculous, unneeded drama happening. Otherwise, I think facebook addiction is easy to overcome.
@Suke002 (311)
• United States
27 Jul 10
It's more of a fad then a addiction in my opinion. I have a facebook and I visit everyday to get updates on my friend and all that good stuff but if I'm up there more then an hour, it's because I'm bored. Facebook makes everything a lot more convenient now and that creates somewhat of a need for it because even fast-food restaurants have Facebooks to have people follow them on updates and everything! So consider that when you think about Facebook.