Helium Stars and writing contests.

July 28, 2010 4:21am CST
Some of you may know, when I first joined Helium, I struggled for the first star. It felt like a bit of a graft - though actually quite satisfying when achieved. Which would have taken me much long, had it not have been for Mylot/Helium members with good advice. So thank you so much everyone xxx I started to look around Helium more and found the writing contests. Still being very new to both Helium and writing, I didn't feel very confident in myself. It did take one of the titles however and start writing. Two days later I decided to submit. I have submitted another since. The contest is still in play, so we'll see. Does anyone have any advice on writing for the contests? This morning I went to check my stats and earning on Helium. Well how excited was I to see 2 shiney writing stars sparkling at the top of my page. I do believe it had a lot to do with the contest. Writing for the contest gave me titles to write to insted of looking for one, which I do find a chore at times. DO you find that at times? So my stats are as follows =0) Writing stars = 2 Writing score = 85.71% Total articles = 20 Total non-CW = 20 % in competitive = 85% Although these stats are telling me I am doing ok. I still struggle to have confidence in my work and my ability. Does anyone else feel a lack of confidence in their writing as I do?
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5 responses
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
28 Jul 10
I haven't gotten around to posting at writing sites like Helium. I already have an account, but I figured that it would be better if I am publishing blogs as well. Anyway, one of these days I'll be frequenting Helium and other writing sites. Right now, I'm still stuck with tweaking my blogs for publication. By the way, is the money at Helium good?
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
28 Jul 10
I went to check the site again and there are really plenty of opportunities to write and get paid for doing so with all the writing assignments being shown. Of course, you really have to be in the "professional writer" frame of mind to make it there. Right now, I'm still in the blogger or publisher frame of mind. However, when I finally start writing my first book, I will surely frequent Helium. By the way, I suggest that you also get an account at CreateSpace. It's Amazon's print-on-demand service for aspiring book authors. Since it is a site dedicated to getting authors published, you may be interested with it. Incidentally, you can create a blog there which you can somehow use as some kind of writing journal.
• United States
5 Aug 10
I'm actually having a great month on Helium already. I've got $0.23 this month. I'm also getting articles published on Triond too, but as for Helium, it takes a lot of time and effort but you'll get used to writing for them after awhile. It takes a lot of effort to get writing stars but it's worth it if you persevere and keep writing for them. They have plenty of subjects to write about and if there isn't one that you want to write about you can suggest it to them.
29 May 11
Ok so this month I am on $4 so I am considering this a good month for me. On wards and upwards with the writing I guess. I have found though that if you tweet links to your articles your revenue raises nicely. I hope that helps you in some way. Thank you for responding to my query.
• United States
30 Jul 10
Sadly I never understood Helium; I gave up on it after publishing two articles. I have however heard that it's really awesome and satisfies a lot of writers because it's user friendly. Money wise I haven't heard too much about it. I would suggest if you really like it to keep going and see how things work out. In regards to confidence in your work, there are times when I would go weeks without writing a single thing for many reasons and lack of confidence is one of them. I think if we stick to writing about things we are knowledgeable about, the confidence should develop automatically. Don't give up on yourself, stay positive.
29 May 11
Thank you so much for your comment sammy and your encouragement. I will keep writing and see where I get, hopefully it will work out.
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
19 Aug 10
Hello, Tiggerific. If you're starred, your writing is up to standard, so start to believe in yourself. A writing score of 85% with 20 articles is most impressive. Hopefully by now you've added to those stars. Contests are peculiar animals on Helium, as you'll see from my latest discussion, so don't get disheartened if you don't do too well - it doesn't mean you're writing isn't good - just that the ratings aren't reflecting the quality of your content.
@kaka10 (178)
• South Africa
28 Jul 10
That is so cool I haven't achieved any stars yet as I only joined recently aswell, maybe you can be my mentor as I have been struggling to get started, any advice as to how to go about getting some ratings on Helium? Thanks for the advice in advance hope you have a good day.
28 Jul 10
It does take time and effort to gain that first star. It also helps to have a little knowledge on the way the site works, as I found out myself. Helium quite basically puts it that 4 articles can get you it. Though this is possible, it isn't really practicle as a newbie, and does give high hopes. I did start a topic asking for help with regards to Helium and attaining the first star http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2351977.aspx is the link if you would like to read it through. There are a few writers from Helium around Mylot and they are very helpful. I myself, like you, are still kind of finding my feet. What is your Helium pen name? The link to my writers profile at Helium is on my Mylot profile page if you would like to read my work so far xx