Are you a coffee addict?

July 31, 2010 5:43am CST
I cant start the day without my coffee. Breakfast is not enough without coffee. I guess i cant live without coffee. I'll have 2 to 3 cups of coffee everyday. I tried to stop having it but i cant. I'll be having the worst head ache fow the day if i miss my coffee. who among you here have been a coffee addict? How did you stop it?
9 responses
31 Jul 10
I'm not really an addict because I don't have it as often as real addicts do but if I do have one cup of coffee it usually leads to another. But the next day if I have not had coffee then I don't really think about it so it's not a problem, unless someone offers me another cup again...
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• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Hi parrot, that's what made started with a cup in the morning offered by friend until its too late to find out my day is not complete without it
1 person likes this
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Hi parrot, that's what made started with a cup in the morning offered by friend until its too late to find out my day is not complete without it
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• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Hi parrot, that's what made started with a cup in the morning offered by friend until its too late to find out my day is not complete without it
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@sunnyp1 (60)
• Ireland
31 Jul 10
I am a coffee addict but I have broken the habit in the past few months. I now only have coffee as a special treat on Saturdays, and only one cup. I had to give it up beccause even though I only had two or three cups a day, it was really affecting my sleep and my health. I feel much better without having it everyday and I have a special treat to look forward to at the weekend!
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
Thi is one that i should try working out. I cant make it one day with out coffee and it is affecting sleep as well. I usually sleep at 1 or 2 in the morning which is not good since i makes me sleepy after lunch which in turn makes me have another cup of coffee..
@rosapai (254)
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
I am sure I am not a coffee addict... If I am, I won't be admitting it. But I just can't seem to feel awake without my morning coffee. The day doesn't seem to start without having a cup of coffee during breakfast. Its my perk me up for the day. I only have one coffee a day. I used to have two to three cups a day but there came a time when I could feel palpitations of my heart since then I try to limit my coffee to once a day during breakfast only.
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
LOL! what' wrong with admitting it. Anyway i used to be taking with my breakfast but afte a while at noon and during afternoon breaktime. I tried to stop since i started to lose some sleep but i cant bear the headache.
@Steinway (307)
• United States
31 Jul 10
No, I'm not a coffee addict. When I do have a cup of coffee is usually a minimum of two cups. My dad, when he was alive, would drink a pot of coffee in the morning and in the night.
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
LOL! a pot of coffee? Well maybe someday i can be like that. as of now i cant stand without it
@ilann1 (372)
• Israel
31 Jul 10
I can do just fine without coffee although once I used to drink like 3 cups of coffee each day, just because I liked it and it was easier to make than tea.
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
hi ilann1, At first i am, if i have or not is fine with me. I dont know how long i was taking coffee before i realized i cant stand without it.
• China
31 Jul 10
in my opinion,you should drink coffee like that.because coffe is not very good for our health.drinking a cup one day is the i am chinese,i like tea very much,i just drink a little coffee.
• Philippines
31 Jul 10
Hi, I'll be trying that though it means i have to take some medication for headache at noontime to evening.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Aug 10
hi bluerain I d rink four or five cups a day bu t I can stop whenever I want to. for me this is a habit I got when I read of a large study done of women in their seventies and eighties who drank regularly at least four cups of coffee a day. as opposed to a group who only drank an occasional cup of coffee. those women who drank at least four cups of coffee a day had 70 per cent less chance of becoming senile or getting Alzheimer disease.So I am not going to lose my precious brain power if I can help it.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
3 Sep 10
My son is a coffee addict, he drink about 5-12 cups a day! I love the smell of it but its not for me im a tea lover and always will be, but the cool part about his non stop coffee crave is he gets it from around the world, and would be good working at star-bucks.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
hi... i am a coffee addict too... i can't survive a day without a cup of coffee.. i start a day with coffee and end the day with coffee as well...and lots of coffees in between...the aroma of coffee is really tempting and i can't resist routine is...i always drink a cup of coffee every meal and every after brunch...pretty heavy huh...but i'm so inlove with coffee...=)