i close my eyes and cried....

August 1, 2010 11:59am CST
i have cried many times, during the most and gruelling trials of my life, it is very easy to let those tears stream down my cheeks, i remember last year, when i was unemployed, and i am the only one supporting my mom, my sister and her son, i have no choice but to sell everthing i have earned from an electronic gadgets, home applicance, broken fan (we can sell the metals and plastic though)etc. it was from june to august of last year, we've tried everything to sell anything we've got just to deal with starvation, we even sell plastics and metals to a junk shop because we need to prioritize feeding my little nephew to buy his milk and basic needs, that is why i said to myself i will never ever cry again (with this kind of situation), and if i do, it may be tears of joy.
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9 responses
• United States
1 Aug 10
How noble of you to have sold all your belongings and take charge to assist with your families needs. I commend you for having done that and by the way there is absolutely no shame in releasing tears of pain as there is only so much the heart can do. Having done all this for your family will be a Blessing some day and God will reward you if with anything but great health and joy. Bless you dear for sharing your story.
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
thank you so much hardworkinggurl, thanks for the commendation...i may not bring my family into some luxurious lifestyle, i did my part in sustaining their basic needs...i have to work hard as well....God bless us all...
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
thanks ma'am, for me i think we all have a different roles in life, some may be born rich some poor, whatever it is, we have a responsibility and by fulfilling our duties, it makes us a better person...have a great day ma'am....
• United States
1 Aug 10
You are very welcome and have a wonderful day also.
@ron2dmax (48)
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
while i was reading your story, i can imagine how difficult your life was, in addition to your motivation to live and seek for ways to support the needs of your family---how good you are! your story was the same to the story i've read before (i forgot the title, but can't forget the essence of the story). it was all about "life and hardship". like you, the main character of the story was very diligent, a believer, never loses hope, and did everything in order his family will survive. he had accepted all the mockery he got from others, and in the end, all his hard work was worth it because he succeeded and never expected to be one of the reputable people in his nation. all of us had experienced hardship in different areas of life and it depends on how we deal it for us to survive. so just be more persistent, never give up, do everything in a right way and God will help you succeed. always remember that God never sleeps. cheers ;)))
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
aloha rendhel ;). its okay, its been expected that everybody would mistakenly see me as a guy coz of my name "ron" but funny as thats my nickname ;). and some says that i responded like sounded of a guy lol. but, i just dont want to put my pic here as im hiding from someone else lol. im just experimenting if my other friends here from the other network would really recognize me upon hiding from this pretty flower hahaaha. anyway, back to the topic, i admire your diligence. there's no probs for me if you'll share to me your life experiences, after all, we can learn through it. keep it up being motivated at all times ;)))
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
thanks sir, in everything i do, i make sure that God will always be the center of my life and whatever decisions will i have to make, i seek guidance first...i know along the way, trials and adversities are there but i need to be strong for my family and be healthy, due to the nature of my job (graveyard shift) i don't know for how long i could keep up, but i know He will not abandone me (provided that i take care of my health which i do), i remember last year when i had to quit my job due to some health reasons , that is the time that i couldn't help myself but to cry, when i saw ourselves selling something, for us to be able to eat, tears stream down my cheeks, nevertheless, i stood still and never abandone my family cause i am the only one they can depend on...im sorry i had to tell you all this, but we are fine now by God's grace...thank you sir...take care and have a good one...
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
hi there, im sorry, i addressed you as sir...i do apologized...
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
Hi, Rendhel.:-) Firstly, welcome to Mylot. :-) I was touched with your kindness towards your family. Only a kind hearted person can do that... I admire you for that. Just look at the brighter sad, dear. You were able to clean up your house from all the unnecessary things you have been hoarding for years (scraps and junks) and made money out of it.LOL Most importantly, you were able to show how much you love your family. What you sow is what you reap. God will surely reward your kind heart, dear. Keep it up. God is smiling on you.;-)
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
2 Aug 10
I'm so sorry to hear rendhel. But I'm real glad to know someone like you. I salute you! Yes! I hope the next time you cry they would be tears of joy. Take care!
@jennyze (7029)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 10
You did what you need to do, so do not feel sad about it. Keep being optimist that you would find a better job to support your family. If you have a good cause, I believe you will find a good job. Keep faith!
• Australia
2 Aug 10
You are a good person to do so much for your family. It is sad to hear that you have had to go to these extremes to support your family but we all do what we have to do to survive. All the best for a better future.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
2 Aug 10
You are a very good person and good thing that you got through that because to be in a situation like that is tough. Many things make us cry, but when were being depended on and we have failed we always feel like we have to cry because we really can't do anything about it. May you never face a situation like that. For me I used to be very poor at one time, but my dad he had so much determination that he found a job and moved his way up to provide for us. I truly respect my dad for being able to provide for all of us and I never thought that it would happen, but we now have a house all the work that he did he always did a good job of it because he never wanted to be fired because if he lost his job then he would not be able to provide for us. Being unemployed is a very sad thing because you never know how things will turn out. You will never cry again, tears of joy our always the most wonderful tears that you can shed because their happiness and not sorrow. I hope that you become a hard worker and keep on being the provider because they are depending on you and you have to do your best no matter what may happen. You are a strong person to keep on going and to not give up as easily like others do and I respect you for that because you don't let anything get in your way. Have a nice day ^^.
@hushi22 (4928)
1 Aug 10
oh...just right on time. i've been crying these past few days and nights. i hate crying for sadness, depression, and frustration. i miss being jolly and the tears i shed for happiness.
@tkonlinevn (6437)
• Vietnam
2 Aug 10
The tear is the best way for you to pass the suffers. Enjoy it!