Have you encountered a racist customer?

August 1, 2010 2:24pm CST
being in a call center is not an easy job, aside from turning night into day, day into night, aside from a good pay and compensation, did you know that call center is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, i know our tenured colleagues will know that. we are here as frontliners, and as frontliners we deal with every customers, may it be a good and happy customers or a difficult one...have you encountered a racist customer? how did you handle those? may i have your point of view on how to handle these kind of customers....
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3 responses
• United States
1 Aug 10
The only way I know how to handle a racist person period is not to feed into the argumentative conversation. A person is labeled racist because of their rude and loud remarks. Absolutely no one can change a person outlook on their views of race, so I would just evacuate my opinions when ever possible. Hope this helps.
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• Philippines
1 Aug 10
yes that's true, i used to be professional at all times, customer is still a customer, no matter how difficult they are to handle.....cheers..
• United States
1 Aug 10
I have a wonderful phrase when it comes to dealing with difficult customers. I love to kill them with kindness, this way they won't forget what a$$ they were to me.
@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
1 Aug 10
Call centers are hard to work at because all that matters is your tone of voice. They can't see you and you can't see them so you have to speak clearly and calm (used to work doing information calls). Anyhow I have dealt with racist customers face to face. We used to have a women's clothing store and one day a young african american group came in. I never have a problem with different races but this group just didn't like me for being hispanic. They didn't answer my questions, or even try to make eye contact with me. Sometimes you just have to let it go until it's over.
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• Philippines
1 Aug 10
well that is a very different situation compared you talking over the phone with a racist customer than you dealing with them face to face...i don't what will happen then if i were on your shoe...
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• Malaysia
6 Aug 10
It is a really tough job.. but I think it's rewarding!! It teaches you patience and it builds your endurance level as well.. and yes, tough customers are the ones that makes you stronger.. I always get racist customers, but I've learned to ignore them and assist them with whatever they need no matter what. I work in a call center in Asia but we service Americans, not that I'm pin pointing, but there are many callers that actually said " I don't want to speak to you, transfer me someone in the US " but we cannot transfer them to our US team as long as we can assist them and we still need to authenticate them anyway.. Some of them hang up, but the ones that really need assistance just allows us to verify them and assist them after that.. If they keep persisting that they do not understand you, just slow down, enunciate and pronounce your words correctly. That usually works but if they are the hard-up ones, they just keep on going on and on about not understanding you, then I just keep on going on, but I go much slower than I previously was, and usually they give in and let me assist. I hope this helps, and I understand what you're going through.. You're doing okay.. don't worry!!